Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Can we have an option to disable all tool containers at once? Similar to disable all browse tools or tools that write output.

Hi there,


When you connect to a DB using a connection string or an alias - this shows up in the Workflow Dependancies in a way that is very useful to allow you to identify impacts if a DB is moved or migrated.


However - in 2023.1, if you use DCM then the database dependancies just show up as .\ which makes dependancy management much more difficult.





Please could you add the capability to view the DCM dependancies correctly in the dependancy window?


BTW - this workflow Dependancy Window would be a great place to build a simple process to move existing DB connections to a DCM connection!


CC: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 

Alteryx should seriously consider incorporating certain Excel features into its Brows tool, as they greatly enhance usability and functionality.


Currently, when selecting specific records in the Brows tool, users are unable to obtain important metrics such as sum, average, or count without resorting to additional steps, such as adding a summary tool or filters.


However, envisioning the integration of a concise bar below the message result window that provides these essential statistics, which are immensely beneficial to users, would undoubtedly elevate the Brows tool to the next level.


By implementing this enhancement, Alteryx would make a significant impact and establish the Brows tool as a must-have resource.














I'm really missing a search in the medata phane?

If I am on data phane:


If im browsing though metadata:


Currently, if you download and Alteryx package from an alternative version it doesn't allow import into a newer version.



Workflows allow this with a warning it would be good to allow it on packages too. 

  • New Request

Hi is it possible to look at alteryx workflows being run when a file has been dropped into a file or somehting along those lines? I.e an external activty has taken place



Due to our setup, we need to have the path defined as Environment variables, so they will point to different paths in case a user opens the WF locally or the server is running it.


The issue is that the path of dependency does not accept the windows defined variables:


alteryx relative path with environment vars.pngalteryx relative path with environment vars defined.png


Thank you!

When numerous formulae exist within a single formula object, being able to "Expand All / Collapse All" would be most welcomed.  :-)


Also - the ability to Disable/Enable a single formula in the formula object - also very nice to have.

  • New Request

Inspire 2021 Call Center Demo.png


Having the ability to call-out via ARROWS/SYMBOLS (gold star) would be nice without requiring the user to create images and call them to the canvas.  This makes the workflow even more readable.


Watermarks (e.g. DRAFT, AMP, Do NOT AMP, FINAL) would be useful on the canvas as well.  





When viewing results of a workflow that has Errors, could we add External error resolution data if the user clicks on the error message?  Like browse everywhere it could lookup the error in help and in community posts.  




I think it would be great to have a tool that allows you to update a dataset with another dataset. For example, this could be used in updating an archive table on a daily basis as data changes. Having a tool available that streamlines this data operation would be helpful to simplify workflows.


In the tool, you would be given the option to select your primary key fields, which are the fields used to identify records. Additionally, you have the option to perform an insert, modify, or delete operation, according to the primary key fields that you choose in the configuration.


Obviously this is something that anybody could create a macro for if they wanted to. But it would be nice to have a tool in place so that we dont have to worry about it. I think this would be a nice use case to bolster Alteryx usage as a data engineering tool for relational database management in particular.

I recently build a couple of workflows where i needed to union many parts of my data together. 

Take for instance, the following:


I appreciate this is an unrealistic workflow - but if i am splitting data, at any points, and doing different processes, i am going to need to union that data back together.


Now without my fix - the solution is to put a union tool onto the canvas, and drag each connection to the union tool. This is fine on a small scale, but when its 5+ connections this can become tedious.


My proposed solution, is similar to the 'cache and run' functionality, in that you can select many tools with Ctrl + Click, and at the bottom you have the option for 'Union Outputs':


And when clicked, a union is added to the canvas, following the furthest most right tool (or last clicked), and have a union setup, with all connections made:




Hope this makes sense!

  • New Request

Looking for a tool to replicate the Goal seek functionality built into Excel.

Seems it could be solved by using R or iterative macros however a tool would make life much easier,

There should be a quick way to delete all unwanted tools for specific output/browse tool in workflow. This would be useful when we have huge multiple cross connect workflow. By deleting all not requited tools, it would make it easy and faster to test as segregated.

Often I need to add filters or other tools early on after the workflow is already been mostly built. If a tool connects to one tool I can drag the filter over the connecting line and add the filter seamlessly. However in large workflows there is often this situation:    


The Filter will only connect to one of the lines I'm hovering over. If I could connect to all lines simultaneously and drop in the connection to achieve this (would be awesome):





Experts - 


While developing code in the formula tool (and perhaps elsewhere) it would be helpful to have the "parenthesis highlighting" function found in database software such as SSMS, DBeaver, SQL Developer etc.  I.e. put the cursor next to a closing paren and the corresponding opening paren gets highlighted (or vice versa) - conversely if there is no corresponding paren nothing gets highlighted and you instantly know you've got a bug to fix (and where to fix it)!

  • New Request

The ability to output to Amazon Workdocs via a special Output tool would be very helpful for anyone looking into using Workdocs for personal or professional purposes.  This is similar in functionality to the OneDrive connector.

Hi Community,

I didn't have a clue where to post this. That is why I am sharing it here.


A small portion of the community users are content creators\community builders\people active on social media. Let's take me, for example. I am writing yammer announcements about Alteryx to our internal user group in my current company.

One of the materials that I recently started to share are weekly challenges, and I know other Alteryx communities that are internal often share them weekly.

I would love to have an opportunity to copy-paste some announcements that someone from Alteryx would prepare.

Please see the screenshot below as a reference:




The only thing that I would add is information about the level of difficulty + Main subject. In similar manner, to what we see on the weekly challenge index:




If this would be posted on the same topic week over week, community builders like me could follow a threat and copy paste a new post weekly.


At the same time, if someone would like to post it on social media. They can always showcase them on the network.

More information about Alteryx in many sources for almost free.


You must upvote this idea 😄



Hello all,


As of today, if you have admin and non-admin version of Alteryx Designer installed on your computer, and install Business Intelligence Suite, you are able to run either version. It will not run both versions. This means whatever reason you installed admin and non-admin version, Business Intelligence Suite will run with only one Designer. 


I installed my computer Alteryx Designer 22.3 non-admin and 23.1 admin versions, both Predictive Analytics. I also installed BI Suite admin version, and BI suite non-admin version. Alteryx will uninstalled admin version, and kept non-admin version of the BI Suite. So, I can use BI Suite only with non-admin version now.


I'm bringing this idea for your vote to make available for both profiles/versions within Designer.


Thanks for voting

Hello All,


I am not sure whether my idea makes sense or not. 


In today's advanced analytics world, we used RPA for various automation, process simplification, etc. There are CO-BOTs that are designed to run the Alteryx flow as well. Through RPA we are able to log in to the system and tools like Cognos, Oracle, TM1, and so on.


So, I am thinking, if Alteryx developed RPA as a tool in the Alteryx Designer like other tools such as Join, Transform, ML, Computer Vision, Interface, etc. 


I believe the implementation of RPA in Alteryx will prove an Asset, and make more powerful.




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