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Would be helpful to have an Input and Output Tool for ProjectOnline like the SharePoint and OneDrive Tools.

This way we can read the projects in a tabular form and automate our project management tasks.

Thank you.





It would be fantastic if there was auto-formatting for the Formula Tool (and even other tools, possibly).  The auto-formatting would function similar to Python PEP-8 style, either 4 spaces or an indent on each new line.  This could also be expanded to modify the existing autocomplete functionality of an IF statement with appropriate formatting.


Auto-Complete Current State Example:



Proposed Example:

IF c

    THEN t

    ELSE f



This would dramatically increase readability for lengthy nested IF statements or other complicated functions within the Formula tool.  It would also save a tremendous amount of time when we have to go back and format those functions later.

How about a “Temporarily Disable Tool” feature where the tool is disabled?  Just the same as the "Disable All Tools that Write Output" but would only apply to the specific tool you select.   But, Instead of having to delete or cut the tool and connect around (as this can be tedious)!  The feature could be applied to various preparation tools (and potentially more) to help save time.


For example, there are occasions when I might have a filter applied and would want to temporarily disable the tool only to see all results.  This has been the case when I have wanted to include hospital wards (by temporarily disabling the tool) I was filtering out to review in the summarized totals.


The specific tool could have the same hashed marking as the "Disable All Tools that Write Output".   The "Temporarily Disable Tool" feature could be listed when the specific tool is right clicked on.   - The workflow could also prompt to show that the user has a tool "disabled" to highlight to the user.



Edit: Spelling

  • New Request

Hi there,


When you connect to a DB using a connection string or an alias - this shows up in the Workflow Dependancies in a way that is very useful to allow you to identify impacts if a DB is moved or migrated.


However - in 2023.1, if you use DCM then the database dependancies just show up as .\ which makes dependancy management much more difficult.





Please could you add the capability to view the DCM dependancies correctly in the dependancy window?


BTW - this workflow Dependancy Window would be a great place to build a simple process to move existing DB connections to a DCM connection!


CC: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 

When you start using DCM - you may have existing canvasses which use regular old connection strings which you want to migrate to DCM.


Currently (in 2023.1.1.123) - when you select "Use Data Connection Manager" - it shreds the configuration of your input tool which makes it difficult to just convert these from an existing connection to a DCM connection




The only way to then make sure that you don't lose any configuration on the tool then is to use the XML editing functionality of the tools and copy across your old configuration.


Could you please add the capability to keep my current tool configuration, but just change from using a regular old connection string to using DCM?


Many thanks 



cc: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 


Hi there,


When connecting to data sources using DCM - could we please add the ability to make JDBC connections?




As mentioned in these threads - JDBC is very common in large enterprises - and in many cases is better supported by the technology teams / developer community and so is much easier to make a connection.    Added to this - there are many databases (e.g. DB2) where JDBC connections are just much easier 


Please could you add JDBC connections to the DCM tooling?


Thank you



cc: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 


Dear Alteryx Solution Architects,


When we were implimenting analytics solution for goverment clinet in UAE, we came across a sititation in which, It requires validation of supporting documents for data quality issues.While working on this challenge we have arrived at the conclution that Alteryx has some limittaion in incorporating attchments to workflows.


I would like alteryx to come up with something to overcome this issue.

1. There should be some tool or technique to incorporate multiple attchments (I know  limitted feature of attchment is there in Alteryx but its not great)

2. There should be an option to visualize attachment in Results window if its possible, It will be grat value add.




Similar to being able change the parameters of a tool using the interface tools, it could be very useful if Alteryx Designer had an option where the configuration of a tool can be modified by another tool's output (which can only consist of one row & column and may include line breaks/tab characters, only first row is used if there are multiple rows) while the workflow is running, therefore reducing the need to chain multiple apps.


This feature could be made possible as the "Control Containers" feature is now implemented, and it could work like below:


Suppose you need to write to a database and may need to specify a Pre-SQL statement or Query that needs to be dynamically changed by the result of a previous tool in the workflow.


In this case, as the configuration of a tool in the next container needs to be changed by the result of a previous formula, there would need to be an additional icon below the tools, indicating that the tool's result can be used for configuration change.


This icon which will appear below the tools will only be visible once at least one Control Container and an Action tool is added to the workflow, and will automatically be removed if all the control containers are removed from the workflow. User can change the configuration of the destination tool using an action tool, which must be connected to a tool in a container that will be run after the one it is contained in has finished running, as a tool (or several tools) that is contained in the next CC in the workflow needs to be dynamically modified before the container it is contained in is activated.


If a formula tool containing multiple formula fields is added to the action tool, the user will see all the formula outputs similar to connections (i.e. [#1], [#2]...) that can be used as a parameter.


The screenshot below demonstrates the idea, but please note that this is a change where adding an action tool may not mean that this workflow will need to become either a macro or an analytic app, so a new workflow type may or may not have to be defined, such as "Dynamic Configuration Workflow (YXDW)". Analytic Apps and Macros which utilize this feature could still be built without having to define a new workflow type.




Alteryx should seriously consider incorporating certain Excel features into its Brows tool, as they greatly enhance usability and functionality.


Currently, when selecting specific records in the Brows tool, users are unable to obtain important metrics such as sum, average, or count without resorting to additional steps, such as adding a summary tool or filters.


However, envisioning the integration of a concise bar below the message result window that provides these essential statistics, which are immensely beneficial to users, would undoubtedly elevate the Brows tool to the next level.


By implementing this enhancement, Alteryx would make a significant impact and establish the Brows tool as a must-have resource.














Creation of a gradient based background which correspond to where records drop throughout the workflow to identify issues or potential anomalies based on the initial dataflow. It could also certain tools flash when the record counts are 0 for example filter tools, joins, unions etc. 


Sometimes there are hundreds or even thousands of tools in very complex workflows so it would be helpful to track the data lineage. 


It would also be nice to have a tool that summarizes the number of records per each input and how many make their way in to the final tool/output or browse. 


Input #Start of workflowDropped in WorkflowTotal in final dataflow
Database 11000080002000
Excel file 11000010009000
Download Tool 11000050005000




The gradient can be adjusted based on the threshold and it could be added to connections in this case the red indicates there's been 0 records and the filter tool could flash or glow




  • New Request

Hello there


I'd like to suggest if we can add some metrics near the results area that would show the user the the Count of Unique, total count, SUM and etc of the selected records in the results area, to avoid copying selected records and pasting to excel to get these metrics


It's a small enhancement but could improve the user experience when investigating the data and trying to do some validation immediately rather than pasting to excel or adding other tools to get the answer.



  • New Request

The idea is quite simple. I am sure a lot of Alteryx enthusiasts use containers frequently. These can also be color coded for better overview and readability of your workflows. However, while connections between tools can be named, they cannot be colored. 


Therefore, this idea is very simple. Adding an option to color these connections. This would allow for even more readability of workflows. Especially if a workflow contains multiple separate streams of data, this could help to navigate and keep track of how and where data is flowing.





  • New Request



Under User Settings, if you could add options to change what Alteryx shows in the tool configuration window. Currently, it shows Field, Type, Size, Rename, Description. I've been using Alteryx for almost 20 years, I've never used the Description field for anything. If Alteryx provided the option to remove it from the view for users who never use it, then the Rename field would no longer get truncated, which is a field I think is more widely utilized.




My team always run into the issue that two people running two workflow at the same but those workflow using the same excel flat file, then it clash into each other. 


I want Alteryx to develop a feature to allow read only capability to a input excel, that way two workflow use the same input file will not clash into each other, it's very good for running workflow in parallel, this way really increase our efficiency. 


I know this feature is not easy to achieve, we have had chat with Alteryx team before. 


I am opening to alternative solution to this problem. 




There are currently many encoding options (see also: Input Tool Has Limited Varieties of Code Pages) that are available for use with Alteryx Designer (, however only a certain number of them can be directly accessed from the interface. Providing the user an option to enable all possible encoding options (from User Settings) for the applicable tools could eliminate the need for building an analytic app just to pass the output encoding parameter to i.e. the Input/Output/Run Command tools.


One case this could be useful is when there are file/folder names with non-English characters and a Run Command tool is used to execute an operation regarding moving something from/to the folder, where the only option is to use an OEM encoding to be able to correctly pass the file/folder name information, otherwise the characters are not read correctly by CMD.

Providing user the ability to paste a tool with one of the three options regarding connections:


- Paste with Incoming Connections,

- Paste with Outgoing Connections (where applicable),

- Paste with Both Connections (where applicable)


could make it easier to configure the workflows where many incoming and/or outgoing connections are necessary for a specific source or target tool (i.e. a certain mapping table joined to several data streams in the same workflow after being modified with a formula tool to match with a specific stream).

  • New Request

There are certain constants available for use with the tools supporting formula, WorkflowFileName being one of them. This makes it possible to i.e. capture the date information in the workflow name using RegEx to dynamically filter a field by this information (especially useful in Analytic Apps).


Based on this example, I think it would be useful to make it possible for the users to use the container's name as a constant (such as CurrentContainerName), especially when it is necessary to add a hardcoded value to several tools and update the values i.e. periodically or client-based. This would also make it easier to track the hardcoded values used in the tools.


A new type of Browse tool which can dynamically be renamed through a field could be helpful for the cases where Analytic Apps display output results in Browse tabs. It could both help create the name of the Browse tab dynamically and create multiple Browse tabs automatically.

Hello all,

According to wikipedia

 In computing, a materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a query. For example, it may be a local copy of data located remotely, or may be a subset of the rows and/or columns of a table or join result, or may be a summary using an aggregate function.

The process of setting up a materialized view is sometimes called materialization.[1] This is a form of caching the results of a query, similar to memoization of the value of a function in functional languages, and it is sometimes described as a form of precomputation.[2][3] As with other forms of precomputation, database users typically use materialized views for performance reasons, i.e. as a form of optimization.


So, I would like to create that in Alteryx, for obvious performance reasons in some use cases.

This is not a duplicate of


Best regards,


Hello all,

According to wikipedia :


An embedded database system is a database management system (DBMS) which is tightly integrated with an application software; it is embedded in the application.



It's often like a single file/dll that you can use inside an application without the user having to connect (or at least to configure it) to it (it's all done inside the application). So, it's widely portable.

Why it does matter ?

As of today, there is not a single example of in database workflow because all the supported databases need the user to:

1/install an odbc driver (most of time, he won't have the rights to do so)

2/configure an odbc connection (sometimes, he doesn't have the rights to)

3/configure a connection on Alteryx (ok, he can)
So it requires IT action, which can be pretty long (in ùany organization, it requires several weeks !!). And even with all of that,the users must be granted privilege to access database and the customer need to develop its own examples and write its own specific documentation.

Well, this is not efficient.

What I suggest is Alteryx to use one of embedded database for training support/one tool examples. SQLlite seems good, maybe a more analytics oriented (like DuckDB ) would be more efficient.
The requirement are, I think, the following :
-OpenSource and free
-SQL compliant
-With a bulk load ability

Best regards,


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