Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I was wondering if anyone else in the community thought it would be a good idea for Alteryx to add the capability to import a Mapinfo raster file?  Currently you can work with MapInfo's vector .tab files but you cannot bring into Alteryx MapInfo raster .tab files.

Even if Alteryx is not able to do any spatial calculations on the raster it would still be useful to import a georegistered raster .tab file to allow the user to display lat/long referenced data on top of it.  Another way to look at it would be like alowing a user to create and use a custom reference map in the Map Report tool.

I need this functionality because I often need to display lat/long data on top of georegistered .tab floorplans (always created in MapInfo). Currently there seems to be no easy way of doing that.  The simple solution would just be able to import them and view .  Later if you could do spatial calculations on those files that would be an enormous bonus.  


Ability to adjust the underlying speeds on the roadways via the GUI and eliminate having to modify the xml file and registry OR adjust the existing speeds in Guzzler that correspond to the urban roadways to bette reflect traffic volume and the resulting drive time polygons that are created in dense urban areas.

The trade area tool currently allows for

  • Radius (miles)
  • Radius (Km)
  • Drivetime Minutes

We would like to see:

  • Driving Distance

2 benefits of this:

  • Mapping of driving distance polygons
  • Once polygon is created - then faster processing times of driving distance calculations

First: Including mapbox in 2019.4 is GREAT!


That said, one of the great features of mapbox is the ability to customize your own map layers. 


It would be great if this was an option to use a custom map as the alteryx reference map similar to what is available within tableau. We in our organization have several custom map styles built with mapbox and I'd love to use them as a reference in the report map tool, or any other scenario where maps become useful.

In Designer user settings, you have the option to set a default dataset for the reference base map. This is a fantastic feature when working with spatial objects. My suggestion is that this feature should persist when viewing .yxdb files outside of Designer workflows. 


When I'm browsing a folder of .yxdb files that contain spatial objects, clicking on those files opens a viewing/browse window outside of Designer. Unfortunately, the base reference map setting does not currently transfer and must be reelected each time a file is opened. I would like suggest that this setting persist in this situation. 

Within the mapping tool, please add an alignment option (left/center/right) within the label options (when wrapping).

Geohash is a latitude/longitude geocode system (public domain). It is a hierarchical spatial data structure which subdivides space into buckets of grid shape.

Geohashes offer properties like arbitrary precision and the possibility of gradually removing characters from the end of the code to reduce its size (and gradually lose precision).

As a consequence of the gradual precision degradation, nearby places will often (but not always) present similar prefixes. The longer a shared prefix is, the closer the two places are.

A lot of popular machine learning systems use a computer's GPU to speed up some of the math to a huge degree. The header on this article on Medium shows a 15x difference from a high-end CPU vs a high-end GPU. It could also create an improvement in the spatial tools. Perhaps Alteryx should add this functionality in order to speed up these tools, which I can imagine are currently some of the slowest.

I want the ability to select a field from my reference YXDB file in the Map Input tool to color-code the features based on their value. For example, I have a file of store locations, with each record containing last quarter's sales figures. I want to use that file as my reference in the Map Input, and have the points for each stores sized bigger-to-smaller based on their sales. Or another example would be color-coding sales territories/polygons.

Hi , Currently we have 3 methods to calculate distance.  K-means, K-median and Neural gas. Can we also include DBSCAN (Density based spatial clustering) as one of the method. I can colloborate with product owners of alteryx to make this happen. Please let me know.

I would like the ability to take custom geographies and write them to a table in Exasol. We visualize our data with Tableau and rely on live connections to Exasol tables rather than Tableau extracts. One shortcoming with spatial is that we have to output our custom geographies as a .shp file then make a Tableau Extract.  This would save us a few steps in sharing this data with our users. 



Currently, the distance tool provides an option to calculate mileage distance (as the crow flies) between a point and the edge of a polygon, but you can only calculate drivetime to the centroid.


I'd like to see an option to calculate drivetime based on the nearest edge rather than centroid, Thanks.




I haven’t found a common spatial file format to use between Alteryx, MapInfo Pro and ArcMap.  The one file/db type that all 3 software packages have the ability to use is SQLite.  Problem is that each of these GIS packages stores data differently in SQLite. 
I propose the following…  Alteryx should have 2 new SQLite options to save output (and read from) in SQLite-ESRI and SQLite-MapInfo.  This does not get us to the holy grail of one common file format but does get us down to 2.  (If you guys could figure out 1 common format that would be better)

Having these new SQLite formats would fix a common issue shared by the Alteryx supported ESRI and MapInfo formats, namely 2G file limits, multiple files per dataset and short field names.  Currently, to save an output for ESRI and Mapinfo, I take a single yxdb and save multiple shape or tab files.  The conversion back is an aggregation of individual files into an yxdb.  SQLite, as a database, has the ability to store many tables which further reduces files (much like a file geodatabase).

Finally, I have been begging for Alteryx to have the ability to read and write to an ESRI file geodatabase, which seems to never come to fruition.  This SQLite solution would eliminate my need to write out to file geodatabases.



I recently had a project that involved clipping the spatial polygon from one record with the spatial polygon of a different dataset. Currently, the only way I know how to use Alteryx to do this is to use a Spatial Match tool to get both spatial objects in the same record line, which allows me to use the Spatial Process tool. In my case, I was trying to trim polygons to the US, so my second spatial object was a polygon for the entire US, which then got attached to every record of my data in order to do the Spatial Process.


My suggestion is simple, make the Spatial Process tool have an option that would allow for two Inputs. I bring my target data in on one stream, chose the process method I want, and use the second Input as my "clip" data. This would allow people to trip/clip their data without having to append the clip data to every single record in the target dataset.


Same concept applies for the Distance tool, currently have to have both spatial objects in one record. My suggestion is to allow the Distance tool to also allow two inputs, I understand there is the Find Nearest tool and that as two inputs, but I'm not always just wanting the nearest, or to have a cutoff distance. Sometimes, I just want to know the distance in my target data to the location in my secondary file, for every record..

We use Alteryx to extract the reports from 3D CAD system.

XYZ coordinate system is used in 3D CAD system but spatial function in Alteryx is applicable only for lat/long system.

Polygon generated by Alteryx can’t be imported into Tableau with proper scale and other useful spatial function can’t be used, neither.


It would be nice to have options to use XY coordinate system in addition to lat/long.

If XYZ, 3 dimensional coordinate system can be handled to calculate distance and overlap, that would be great.


Recently in Feb 2016, Australia released the geocoded national address file to the public for no extra cost and will continually update this each quarter.

 I think It would be a game changer to build this functionality natively into the alteryx product to enable any alteryx user simple access to it. also I think it would drive a lot of sales for the alteryx product.



In the Report Map tool, I'm locked from changing the 'Background Color' menu, and the color appears to be set to R=253, G=254, B=255, which is basically white. 


However, when we use our TomTom basemap, we see that the background is actually blue, despite what's listed in the Background Color window.  (This goes beyond the 'Ocean' layer, and appears to cover all space 'under' the continents and ocean.)  Since we oftren print large maps of the east coast, this tends to use a lot of blue ink.  I've attached a sample image to illustrate this.


My solve to-date has been to edit the underlying TeleAtlas text file and change the default background (117 157 181) to white (255 255 255).  Unfortunately, we lose these changes with each data update.


Could Alteryx unlock the Background Color menu, and have it affect the 'base' layer, underneath oceans and continents in TomTom maps?  Not sure how it might affect aerial imagery.

May I suggest you add the capability to use maps from the OpenStreetMap project offline.


Many thanks

As a GIS department, we use numerous spatial datasets on a daily basis.  Many of these are quite large and we are looking for ways to optimize their performance.  Right now, we are forced to use an indexed folder system to increase performance, but we would like to move to Calgary databases.  The problem is, that Calgary databases only hold point features which limits the number of our datasets that we can use it with.  If we could spatially index line and polygon features as well, that would dramatically increase the usefulness of a Calgary database.

When calculating distance from a single point (or a list of points) to many other points, it can require a lot of processing time to append the single point into the same table as the multiple points (especially with very large datasets).  Seems it would be more efficient to allow the single point as in input to the distance tool and bypass the timely append step.

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