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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I am currently using Oracle Discoverer Tool which has option to drag or place an results column of a table or cross tab on to page items so that I can further filter the results. This helps the user to filter large results set without even downloading the output. I have attached a screenshot of current tool with page items.




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Can we have string function that parse the string between 2 indices?

As FindString can find particular string occurrence,we can easily get required part of string easily from that index till required index.

or If we want entire remaining string we can have a function like:

Substring(String,StartIndex,EndIndex) Where endIndex can be : Length(String)-1



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I setup a generic template because the excel files do not have a consistent schema.   This is the template




which is interpreted as text




When I feed files into the dynamic input tool the output configuration is



This is the schema of the first file read by the DI tool.  Why didn't it use the template?


The requirement to have all the schemas match is difficult - especially with excel.


I would like to suggest the input tool have a checkbox to override the data driver and interpret all columns as text.


Read excel as text


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It would be great if it were possible in future to adjustment Analytic App buttons.


For example Run instead of Finish or so... and so on!?!


Best regards


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Please ignore this post! I just discovered the amazing dynamic input tool can accomplish exactly this 🙂


This is no longer a "good future idea" but simply a solution already provided by AlterYX!  Thanks AlterYX!


Hello everyone. I think it would be incredibly helpful if all input tools (database / csv files / etc..)  had an input stream for data processing.  


This input stream would cause the tool to fire if and only if at least 1 row of "data" was passed into it.  This would work similar to the Email tool, as the input would simply not fire if no records in the workflow were passed into it.


By making this change, AlterYX could then control the flow of execution when reading / writing to database tables and files without having to bring in Macros or chained applications.


The problem with having to use batch macros and block until done to solve this problem is that it obfuscates your workflow logic, making it much harder for another developer to look at the workflow and understand what is happening.   Below is an extremely simply example of where this is necessary.


Example: any time you are doing a standard dimentional warehouse ETL.


Step #1: Write data to a table with an auto-incremented Key

Step #2: Read back from that table to get the Key that you just generated

Step #3:  use that key as a foreign key in your primary Fact table.


Without this enhancment you need at least 2 different workflows (chained apps or marco's) to accomplish the task above, however with this simple enhancement the above task could be accomplished in 3 tools.


This task is the basic building block of almost all ETL's so this enhancement would be very useful in my opinion.



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I am trying to use the Dynamic Replace to selectively update records in a set of variables from survey data. That is, I do not have all potential values in the “R” input of Dynamic Replace. Instead, I have a list of values that I would like altered from their current values by respondent (RespondentID) and question # (Q#).  Currently, when I run the workflow, any Q#/ResponseID combos that are not in my “R” input are replaced with blanks. However, I would like an option that maintains the original data if there is nothing to replace the data with. Without this option, there are few (I'm still working on some ways) workarounds to ensure the integrity of the data.



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