Tool to Parse Tables in HTML
- RSS フィードを購読する
- 新着としてマーク
- 既読としてマーク
- ブックマーク
- 購読
- 印刷用ページ
- モデレーターに通知する
We're currently using Regex and text to columns to parse raw HTML as text into the appropriate format when web scraping, when a tool to at least parse tables would be hugely beneficial.
This functionality exists within Qlik so it would be nice to have this replicated in Alteryx.
Obviously, we need to retain the ability to scrape raw HTML, but automatically parsing data using the <td>, <th> and <tr> tags would be nice.
In the following page there is a table showing the states and territories of the US:
With Qlik, you can input the URL and it will return the available tables in tabular format:
As this functionality exists elsewhere it would be nice to incorporate this into Alteryx.
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