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Support for GZIP (.gz) compressed files in input tool, both in Designer and Server

Please support GZIP files in the input tool for both Designer and Server.


I get several large .gz files every day containing our streaming server logs. I need to parse and import these using Alteryx (we currently use Sawmill). Extracting each of these files would take a huge amount of space and time.


This was previously requested and marked as "now available", but what is available only addressed a small part of the request. First, that request was for both ZIP and GZIP. What is now available is only ZIP. Second, it requested both input and output, what is now available is input only. Third, while not explicitly stated in the request, it needs to function in Alteryx Server in order to be scheduled on a daily basis.


11 - Bolide

I was so looking forward to this, but unfortunately, it still doesn't work. See


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

All, we have released .tar.gz Input in 18.2 and are looking at how to implement .gz.




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review
8 - Asteroid



Thank you for the update.


5 - Atom
Hi - thanks. I'm talking about tsv.gz files, or in this case gz only?

Joao Querido
Data Analytics and Insights Manager

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5 - Atom

Hi - any updates on this? I'm trying to do the extract with a tsv.gz file?

8 - Asteroid

Based on what I'm reading, tar.gz files are supported starting in the 2018.2.4.47804 release.
Although I would use the latest 2018.3 release, given it's released on Oct 2nd.


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Gzip and tgz have both been implemented as of 2019.1 in the Input tool.

5 - Atom

My App works fine as a desktop solution reading and extracting from a .gz file, but it seems it is still not supported on the server. Can someone share a workaround. Also why does the server has so many limitations, is there a doc/resource which specifies what is supported on the server and what not?

5 - Atom

Snowflake has gained a lot of traction now and their default compression is gzip. The ODBC bulk loader is not the most robust connection with rows over 1 million,  to be able to output to gzip and put into a table stage is a huge help. Please add to both input and output tools.