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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Resampling tool for statistical testing

Designer should support statistical testing tools that ignore data distribution and support Statistical Learning methods.


Alteryx already supports resampling for predictive modeling with Cross-Validation.


Resampling tools for bootstrap and permutation tests (supporting with or without replacement) should be tools for analysts and data scientists alike that assess random variability in a statistic without needing to worry about the restrictions of the data's distribution, as is the case with many parametric tests, most commonly supported by the t-test Tool in Alteryx. With modern computing power the need for hundred-year-old statistical sampling testing is fading: the power to sample a data set thousands of times to compare results to random chance is much easier today.


The tool's results could include, like R, outputs of not only the results histogram but the associated Q-Q plot that visualizes the distribution of the data for the analyst. This would duplicate the Distribution Analysis tool somewhat, but the Q-Q plot is, to me, a major missing element in the simplest visualization of data. This tool could be very valuable in terms of feeding the A/B Test tools.

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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes