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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Regular Expression Visualizer and Visual Regular Expression Writer

For people recently met with RegEx, you are lucky if the expression is short and understandable or "human readable".

But there are extreme cases too where it's really a pain to solve the puzzle.


if you'd like to catch e-mail addresses from masses of unstructured data this will work;




and here is the elaboration;

when colorful it's fun but barely readable still... Here is a Regexper version




This visualizer I came across at is awesome.


  1. Can you please integrate this into Designer for ease of reading and understanding existing RegEx...
  2. Can it be possible to develop an interactive tool to prepare;
    • The graphical representation of our regular expression first
    • And then writing it in the same old fashion...

Please support the idea if you like...


13 - Pulsar
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes