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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Performance profiling in Macros

Hey there,


The performance profiling option on the "runtime" tab is very helpful to identify bottlenecks on a long-running workflow.   However this is missing (along with the entire "Runtime" tab) if I change this to a macro.


Given that the only way to build relatively complex dependant chain jobs is to wrap them in dummy batch macros (using a macro like a sub-procedure with flow-of-control on the master-canvas) - most of our work is done in Macros - so it would be helpful to be able to performance profile them during testing.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Our product team is evaluating the requirements behind implementing this idea. While this is occurring, which can take some time, I'm updating this idea to Under Review. Once our team can better speak on if or when we could implement this idea I'll update the idea accordingly!

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @KylieF, Hi @SeanAdams,


I just tried this and I have a performance profiling option in macros, therefore it seems to be implemented and the status should be updated.



