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List content from specific column

When giving a user a dropdown list, it is difficult to give them an option of the data in a specific column.  So if I have a "State" column, I would like to give the user a dropdown of all of the states currently represented in the table.  So if there was "Nebraska, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota", the dropdown list would give them an option to select Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and South Dakota.  This could be useful on both List boxes and Dropdown lists.  Currently there is a workaround that lets you do it, but it is not a great solution because if there is a space (Like in South Dakota), it puts an underscore in it so parsing is required.  

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I think I know what kind of work around you are talking about, should still generally work quite well, you dont really then have to parse the "_" that gets added, you could just use a Dynamic Rename tool with the "Formula" setting as Rename mode and then a Replace formula for "_" to " ".




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