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In db : join with other operator than equal (different, between..., etc)

Hello all,

as of today, a join in-db can only be done with an equal operator.

Example : table1.customer_id = table2.customer_id

It's sufficient most of the time. However, sometimes, you need to perform another kind of join operation, (especially with calendar, period_table, etc).

Here an example of clause you can find in existing sql

inner join calendar on calendar.id_year_month between fact.start_period and fact.end_period


helping to solve that case :



(the turnaround I use to day being : I make a full cartesian product with a join on 1=1 and then I filter the lines for the between)

or <,>, .... et caetera.

It can very useful to solve the most difficult issues. Note that a product like Tableau already offers this feature.

Best regards,



1 Comment
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea!


It's always great to hear feedback on how we could improve our In-DB tools and functionality. Be sure to share this idea with anyone who might also benefit as we appreciate the insight on how much impact this feature could have.