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In Database Support for Snowflake Cloud Data Warehouse

We've been researching snowflake and are eager to try this new cloud database tool but are holding off till Alteryx supports in-database tools for that environment.  I know it's a fairly new service and there probably aren't tons of users, but it seems like a perfect fit since it's fully SQL complaint and is a truely native clouad, SAAS tool.  It's built from scratch for AWS, and claims to be faster and cheaper.


Snowflake for data storage, Alteryx for loading and processing, Tableau for visualization - the perfect trio, no?


Has anyone had experience/feedback with snowflake?  I know it supports ODBC so we could do basic connections with Alteryx, but the real key would obviously be enabling in-database functionality so we could take advantage of the computation power of the snowflake.


Anyway, I just wanted to mention the topic and find out if it's in the plans or not.





5 - Atom

I was able to connect through the ODBC driver Snowflake offers but it is trying to do a 1 to 1 post so it is very slow in performance.  One option that Snowflake offers is to pull files in bulk from S3.  Since Alteryx offers an S3 connector we can upload to that and then run a script in Snowflake to take the file in.  Not hands off but it offers significant speed improvement until Alteryx supports bulk load to Snowflake directly.  I guess you could call the Snowflake command line tool at that point to run the script and it would be hands off.  Not very pretty but would seem to work.  This doesn't offer in db but would offer automated upload. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

This was released in 11.5.