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In-DB Trigger feature

Hello all,


Introduction to SQL Triggers

A trigger is a piece of code executed automatically in response to a specific event occurred on a table in the database.

A trigger is always associated with a particular table. If the table is deleted, all the associated triggers are also deleted automatically.

A trigger is invoked either before or after the following event:

  • INSERT – when a new row is inserted
  • UPDATE – when an existing row is updated
  • DELETE – when a row is deleted.

When you issue an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, the relational database management system (RDBMS) fires the corresponding trigger.

In some RDMBS, a trigger is also invoked in the result of executing a statement that calls the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. For example, MySQL has the LOAD DATA INFILE, which reads rows from a text file and inserts into a table at a very high speed, invokes the BEFORE INSERT and AFTER INSERT triggers.

On the other hand, a statement may delete rows in a table but does not invoke the associated triggers. For example, TRUNCATE TABLE statement removes all rows in the table but does not invoke the BEFORE DELETE and AFTER DELETE triggers.

So basically, I would like to create some triggers from in db tools in Alteryx.

Best regards,




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


Another really interesting idea for our data connector product team! Though all our teams appreciates the feedback on what our users would most like to see in the product. 


 For anyone who is new to the idea boards, be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines since they go over the process and necessary like count for review in a bit greater detail.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes