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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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For Loops and While Loops in "dynamic container"

Currently the only way to do IF / FOR / WHILE loop is either in Formula tool or via iterative/batch macro.

Instead, it will be hugely useful and a lot more intuitive if there is the ability to build the FOR / WHILE logic embedded in a container (similar to LabVIEW interface

Advantages include:

- Increased readability. (not having to go into a macro!)

- Increased agility. (more power/ features can be added or modified on the go for something that is more than a Formula tool but not too much interface like a Macro App)

- More intuitive




5 - Atom

This is a brilliant idea! Would be useful for looping through calculations that need repeated across periods of time.

7 - Meteor

Clever idea, specially with visual cues like a Loop Start and Loop End tool or something like that

13 - Pulsar

I'm in. The more we can avoid macros, the better I feel.

Best regards,
