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Dynamic Input - support files with different sheet name lengths

The Dynamic Input tool fails when attempting input a set of Excel files with the following error:

Error: Dynamic Input (1): The file "Test2.xlsx|||<List of Sheet Names>" has a different schema than the 1st file in the set.


Each spreadsheet contains two tabs and all tabs contain the same columns.


The root cause of the schema error is that maximum sheet name length in the two spreadsheets is different.  The first spreadsheet uses "East" and "West" for sheet names.  The second spreadsheet uses "North" and "South" for sheet names.  The Dynamic Input tool uses the longest sheet name when defining the effective Schema.


Excel limits sheet name length to 31 characters. It would be helpful if the Dynamic Input tool used 31 as the minimum string length when defining a schema from Excel sheet names.


The Input Data tool exhibits similar behavior when using a wildcard in the filename and the "Import only the list of sheet names" option.


A batch macro can be used as a workaround.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea!


This is a great example and use case and we appreciate the clarity in the ask. After a quick review this idea looks good to go to our Product team once the necessary like criteria as been met. In the mean time be sure to check out other users ideas and like and comment on those that would be most beneficial to you as it helps our Product team gauge the most beneficial features to include.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes