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Drag formula into new formula tool

It would be really cool if we could drag an entire configured formula from one formula tool into another formula tool.


7 Comentarios
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
El estado se ha cambiado a: New Idea

Can you tell me a little more about this? When would you use this? Do you mean that you could take one of the formula expression rows from one Formula tool and add it to a new expression row in another Formula tool? 


Yes, the idea would be to drag a formula row from one tool into another tool and have it appear as a configured formula expression in the second tool.  This would be useful if you have to have the same formula in several places in a workflow.  One use case would be if you needed to add a status field to parallel streams of data.  The case that prompted the idea for me was moving several formulas in different parallel processes to one formula tool later in the workflow after the data paths had been joined together.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for the clarification! I'll keep this request in mind. 


You can save your expressions and re-use them elsewhere, right? Also the recent expressions comes in handy for this imho.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Vadim Excellent point! Thanks for adding. @StephenR I'd love to know if this solve the problem you are facing. 


Thanks @Vadim, I hadn't ever used the recent expressions, and it takes me close enough to what I need that a drag and drop solution would be redundant.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
El estado se ha cambiado a: Not Planned