The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Download tool options for skipping and retrying a request if connection error.

Using the download tool is great and easy to use. However, if there was a connection problem with a request the workflow errors out. Having an option to not error out, ability to skip failed records, and retrying records that failed would be A LIFE CHANGER. Currently I have been using a Python tool to create multi-threaded requests and is proven to be time consuming.

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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

We appreciate your feedback! If you haven’t yet be sure to check out our updated Submission Guidelines as it goes over our idea boards and the requirements to reach product in a bit greater detail. Be sure to check out the other product idea boards as well as like any other ideas that would benefit you!