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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Designer is slow when using In-DB. It should keep the first connection alive.

Alteryx Designer is slow when using In-DB tools.


We use Alteryx 2019.1 on Hive/HortonWords with the Simba ODBC Driver configured with SSL enabled.


Here is a compare In-DB / in Memory : 




We found that Alteryx open a new connection for each action : 

- First link to joiner = 1 connection.

- Second ling to joiner = 1 connection.

- Click on the canevas = 1 connection.


Each connection take about 2,5 sec... It really slow down the Designer : 




Please, keep alive the first connection instead of closing it and creating a new one for each action on the Designer.




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank all for bringing this to our attention. This is an issue with the product, rather than idea, and doesn't receive the attention that it needs because ideas don't go through the same process as product issues. We've made the Support and Product teams aware of this issue and they are investigating further. Moving forward, please post product issues within the product's respective discussion forum or open a support case. Thanks!

9 - Comet

@AlteryxCommunityTeam  - if this is an issue with the product, I assume there's some sort of tracking number or issue number that you can share?  When products are updated, I like to review release notes to see if specific issues affecting my and my team's work are fixed.  At least seeing a number gives me hope this is even being worked on by the developers.



Your suggestion to use the discussion forum is not an effective solution if no Alteryx employees chime in. As an example, this totally different product issue has been a significant topic of discussion for over a year, and there has been no input from Alteryx employees: