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Designer is slow when using In-DB. It should keep the first connection alive.

Alteryx Designer is slow when using In-DB tools.


We use Alteryx 2019.1 on Hive/HortonWords with the Simba ODBC Driver configured with SSL enabled.


Here is a compare In-DB / in Memory : 




We found that Alteryx open a new connection for each action : 

- First link to joiner = 1 connection.

- Second ling to joiner = 1 connection.

- Click on the canevas = 1 connection.


Each connection take about 2,5 sec... It really slow down the Designer : 




Please, keep alive the first connection instead of closing it and creating a new one for each action on the Designer.




9 - Comet

@KylieF  - Hi, I'm tagging you since I've seen you review these idea posts and have changed the status in some cases.  This idea has gained some popularity as of late and I'm wondering if you or your team has had a chance to review it?


Thanks in advance!



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Comments Requested

Hey everyone, thanks so much for your engagement on this idea - Kylie is no longer running our product ideas board, and I wanted to provide a brief update.  We're working on some process improvements in how we bring ideas to our product team here, so while we're still accepting new ideas (and definitely love the comments) we're on a bit of a hold in making too many updates until we get that process ironed out. This one is definitely on my radar though, and as soon as we have some more solid updates we'll be sure to share them out!

5 - Atom

Yes please speed this up, thanks! 

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

This is still a problem today. It would be an interesting improvement to make this a less painful development. Another improvement would be for the Python tool, which is always slow to click in and out of.

I know it's a little different for the Python tool because it needs to create the Jupyter environment, but still.

7 - Meteor

Yes! I highly recommend fixing this. At two of my clients we use in-database tools a lot and this really slows down the development. Besides it makes Alteryx really look bad when showcasing to new potential users and clients... If Alteryx wants to stay a serious ETL tooling, please fix this.


(the underlying databases in our case: postgresql, sql server)

13 - Pulsar

Hello  @WillM 

Can you please explain what king of comments you request since the status is "Comments Requested"?

Best regards,


9 - Comet

I would also be interested in what types of comments are requested.  I believe the original post has a very clear visual on the experience and many people have voted and/or commented already that they too experience this same issue. 

13 - Pulsar

Hello @NicoleJ 

I don't think the idea status is accurate here since no comments are requested ?

Best regards,


9 - Comet

Can anyone from Alteryx chime in here? 


There's a lot of interest in this idea.  Over one year ago the status was changed to"Comments Requested", with little information to what types of comments are needed or useful here.  There's two pages of people speaking up on this issue.


Please update us on this issue.

9 - Comet

@AlteryxCommunityTeam  - Hi, looking to see if there's any update on this popular idea?