Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Designer is slow when using In-DB. It should keep the first connection alive.

Alteryx Designer is slow when using In-DB tools.


We use Alteryx 2019.1 on Hive/HortonWords with the Simba ODBC Driver configured with SSL enabled.


Here is a compare In-DB / in Memory : 




We found that Alteryx open a new connection for each action : 

- First link to joiner = 1 connection.

- Second ling to joiner = 1 connection.

- Click on the canevas = 1 connection.


Each connection take about 2,5 sec... It really slow down the Designer : 




Please, keep alive the first connection instead of closing it and creating a new one for each action on the Designer.




9 - Comet

Just adding another comment to bump this post.

9 - Comet

@AlteryxCommunityTeam  - just bumping this post again for any type of update on its status.

8 - Asteroid
9 - Comet

@AlteryxCommunityTeam  - just bumping this post again for any type of update on its status.

9 - Comet

Comment requested.  Comment offered.  @AlteryxCommunityTeam -  lil help?

9 - Comet

@AlteryxCommunityTeam  - Hi.  Just adding a comment, as requested.

8 - Asteroid

@collin_pace Hello, Have you set an outlook reminder for that ? :D 

9 - Comet

@i_love_databases  - LMAO, no. I had a goal of posting once a month and seeing how many years it would take for a response, but backed off.  I don't want to be too annoying, but at the same time in my experience, any real issue that I've brought up or issue such as this that dozens of other users have expressed frustrations with take years and years for any type of response from Alteryx.  Hopeful that continuing to post from time to time will get someone's attention at Alteryx.  


@AlteryxCommunityTeam  - do you use In-Database tools?


13 - Pulsar

@collin_paceWell, I have the same frustration after posting literally dozens of ideas on in database, gathering more thousand votes on it and nothing.

best regards,


7 - Meteor

Would love to see some traction here! IN-DB tools are such a huge part of my work and much of my day is spent watching wheels spin.


I think @AlteryxCommunityTeam may be sleeping on us.😂