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Debug Log Information when Running Analytical App



I want to make a suggestion for the Debug Log information shown when running an Alteryx App in Debug mode to be saved as an output when just purely running an Alteryx App. I believe this would help a great deal for audit purposes to be able to read the log again to see what did the user select for the interface tools.


Please see an example below of what I am suggesting as an output for the logging of Alteryx App:


<Value name="Contract Identifier Field - User">PolicyCode</Value>
<Value name="Contract Start Date Field - User">PolicyCreateDate</Value>
<Value name="Contract End Date Field - User">EndDate</Value>
<Value name="Model Code Field - User">ShortModel</Value>
<Value name="Full Model Code Field - User">ModelName</Value>
<Value name="Term/Monthly Field - User">PolicyType</Value>
<Value name="Contract Duration Field - User">ContractDuration</Value>
<Value name="Use Calculated Duration - User CheckBox">True</Value>
<Value name="Fuel Type Field - User">ModelName</Value>
<Value name="Underwriter Code Field - User"/>
<Value name="Commission Type Field - User"/>
<Value name="Mileage Limit Field - User"/>
<Value name="Premium Amount Field - User">PremiumExclAmount</Value>
<Value name="Current Remaining Fund Field - User">Fund</Value>


This would really help with audit purposes as once an Alteryx app is run, one can not see what was the responses to the interface questions did the user select, making it difficult if another user wanted to replicate the Alteryx App run

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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes