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Custom Functions

I have been developing and accumulating custom functions over the years and they have proved to be very useful.  I am submitting these here.  I hope they are found to be beneficial.

Functions included in the attached file include:

  • DateTime
    • StandardDate(String) - Transforms any valid string to the standard date format yyyy-mm-dd
  • File
    • FileDirDepth(Path) - Returns the zero based depth of the path (zero being the root)
    • FileGetFolder(Path, Depth) - Returns the folder name given the zero based depth in the path (zero being the root)
  • String
    • LeftPart(String, Separator) - Returns the left part of a string up to the first separator
    • RightPart(String, Separator) - Returns the right part of a string after the first separator
    • Split(String, Delimiter, Index) - Returns the zero indexed part of a delimited string
    • CleanSpace(String) - Trims string and replaces multiple spaces with a single space
    • UnicodeToASCIIBasic(String) - Replaces all Unicode Characters with ASCII Basic equivalents
  • Test
    • InList(Variable, List) - If Variable is in List returns True. List must be pipe delimited
    • IsValidEmail(String) - Returns True if string is a valid email format
    • IsUUID(String) - Returns True if string is a valid UUID

To make these functions available in Alteryx, place the attached xml file in the folder C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\FormulaAddIn if you have a standard installation. If the install is non-standard, find the \bin\RuntimeData\FormulaAddIn folder and place the attached xml file there.  Ateryx will need a restart for the functions to be available.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @BetterFerret  - not sure if you've met @jdunkerley79 - but he has also developed a rich set of additional functions which are part of a package called Abacus. 


Seems that you have a shared passion for this kind of work - may be worth collaborating?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Very useful suggestions! These will make life so much more easy for non-tech users of Designer.

7 - Meteor

I need a function like Split() and can use that in my local installation for Designer.  Is it possible to implement these functions for the server?

8 - Asteroid

These functions will work on any machine that Alteryx is installed on.  Just follow the instructions on where to place the FerretFunctions.xml file.

5 - Atom



I downloaded the xml, put it on the 



I restarted Alteryx, and I even restarted my laptop.


still does not work. What am I doing wrong?





8 - Asteroid

@Karben_Mejia Is it possible that you have 2 versions of Alteryx installed?  Alteryx does not usually install to a versioned folder name like Alteryx2020.3

5 - Atom

Yes, I looked for the exe and found out it is installed in other place.


Your split function works like a charm


thank you

8 - Asteroid

Glad I could help

5 - Atom

Have you ever worked in something like FindString but with a third parameter to search for other instances of the string rather than only the first one?