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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Carriage Return (aka New Line or Line Break) being ignored in Report Table Tool

I know this has been posted before, but the posts are fairly old, and I have just confirmed with Support that it is still an issue.  Seems to be a pretty basic request, so I'm putting it out there again under this new heading.

The issue is that if you have data in a field, and you have that data separated by a new line (\n), it will show up fine in a browse tool, or pretty much any other output (database file, Office Document file, etc.). But if you try to use the Table Tool under Reporting, it ignores the line break and strings the data together.


The field data looks like this in a browse or most other outputs:

Hello, my name is 

Michael Barone

and I love



But when I try to pull this field into a Table Tool, it shows up like this:
Hello, my name is Michael Barone and I love Alteyrx


Putting this out here again in hopes that it gets lots and lots of stars so it gets put on the road map!!


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Thanks Alex, and thanks for the workaround JFR!

6 - Meteoroid

I've lost hours of my life to this bug today, before discovering this thread that it's a long known bug. I kept finding different suggestions on the forums for ways to create carriage returns within fields hoping one would work when used in a report text tool, then render to PDF tool. Finally after my 4th attempt I realized it was probably a bug specific to the report text tool and not just another idiosyncracy of the overall toolchain, that would work with the right incantation.  

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

+1 on this! Someone just dealt with this today...