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Calgary Input - Add to Default Data File Pull Down Choices

I would like to be able to add an in-house built Calgary db to the list of data sources in the pull down on the Calgary Input tool. A customer database, for example.


In the picture you can see the Kalibrate Technologies Traffic Counts and TomTom US Address Points in the pull down. I would like to add my own Calgary db to the list of choices.



9 - Comet

I like this idea! You'd have to set the calgary DB location in the setting pane or somewhere but would be very useful for specific projects

11 - Bolide

I was just poking around with this and found that it is actually relatively easy to add your own database to the list:



All I did was copy one of the .ini files in C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\DataProducts\DataSets\Calgary to my own .ini file named "My_Custom_Calgary_db.ini' in the same folder, and changed the settings to give it a name and point to my Calgary database: 




You need to close and reopen Designer in order for this to be visible in the drop-down.


I hope that helps!


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes