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Wildcard in file name using SharePoint Input is pulling files from subfolders as well

7 - Meteor

When using SharePoint Input I used a wildcard ("*") to allow for file name variations due to the existence of a version number in the source file name.  There is a subfolder in the SharePoint input file folder to hold an archive of the previous version files; the goal is to NOT ingest the files in the archive subfolder.


Unfortunately the use of the wildcard is pulling all matching file names, including the files in the archive subfolder.  To create the wildcard I started with an actual input file name and then manually modified the "File Path" to replace the variable text with a wildcard as is done with an Input Data tool. 


If I move the archive folder up in the folder tree so that it is a sibling of the input folder instead of a subfolder of it, then it obviously does not pick them up, but it is preferred to have the archive folder as a subfolder of the input folder itself.


With the SharePoint Input is the function by default to search subfolders as well when wildcards are used or is there a way to stop this from happening?  Thank you for any guidance and assistance.


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hi @taxtechfl 

Are you using Share Point Input Tool? I guess it does not support wildcard for specify the file path.

Can you share some screen shot if allowed? If it is true, I'm curious about it. Thanks.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @taxtechfl 


SharePoint tool doesn't play well with wildcards - I am facing that issue as well. I'm forced to make the folder the last branch and then it works well... pretty annoying. Hoping to find a solution soon too.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
7 - Meteor

I have attached a screen shot showing the key points.  As I do with the Input Data tool, I configure the SharePoint Input tool for an individual file and then once it is working, I change the File Path to add wildcards.  In doing so, SharePoint Input is picking up the subfolder files matching the pattern whereas Input Data only pulls files that match the pattern from the root folder path and not any subfolders.

7 - Meteor

Thanks.  I will have to do one of two things to avoid this:  1) rename any files I want excluded to have a pattern that doesn't match, or 2) move the archive folder out from below the folder where the files I do want are sitting.  Similar to the option to include subfolders when reading a directory, it would be nice to be an option with SharePoint Input.
