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Display all objects in "all mode" in Nexus

Hi Alteryx,


we have noticed that when drilling up/down in the "all mode" in Nexus, it is not possible to see all subsequent relations for assets related to the object, where Nexus was opened.


For example, when opening the Nexus view on a business term:




We are unable to drill into the outgoing relationships for the highlighted Tableau dashboard, the only relation we see is its parent.


Would it be possible to show all relations when drilling up/down in the Nexus view?


Thank you very much.



9 - Comet

Specifically for relations between reports and business terms, the problem is that the "related term" relation is created from the report side, thus report is the source and business term the target. When opening Nexus from the business term, the report appears on the left hand side and this is why it is the end of the exploration road - all other relations the report has are outgoing and it is not possible to expand them from this view (see picture in the idea itself).


One possibility would be to enable creating this relation from the business term side (in the data sources section in edit mode). However, lot of users are adding the related terms directly from reports and keeping both directions might cause confusion (also in the Nexus view).

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted

Hi JanLaznicka! 


Our Connect team has reviewed this idea and would like to include it in a future release, once we're closer to the release of this feature we'll update this idea again to let you know. 


Thank you!

9 - Comet

Hi Kylie,


Thanks for the positive response. Looking forward to having it in the product.


