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Alteryx Connect on Ms SQL Server - login using integrated_Security=true;

Deploying Connect on MS SQL Server ( we would like to use integrated security option when we setup jdbc connection.


For now workaround looks like this:


1. Copy the file “sqljdbc_auth.dll” into Alteryx folder:



2. Inside SQL Server Management Studio add Active Directory user to logins folder:



3. grant him(or her) the rights to connect to database. For test purposes I`ve granted sysadmin role:



4. Edit the file:



Here we don`t need user and password lines at all. We only need to add “integratedSecurity=true”

Because there will be used credentials of user, using which Alteryx Connect was started, not the user which was provided in these red records.

But we still need these two records, because Alteryx will give us an error if it will not see these records inside config file during startup.

That`s why these records still must exist inside file.


5. Setup Alteryx Connect service to start Alteryx Connect with Active Directory user, for which we granted access in SQL Server:



6. Start Alteryx Connect service and check with Ms SQL Profiler the user which is performing requests to database:


It`s Active directory (windows) user.


1 Comment
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @sergiussrussia this is useful information, thank you. I'll make sure it's passed along to the right people.