The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

1 Review

Our submission guidelines & status definitions before getting started

2 Search

The community for a solution or existing idea before posting

3 Vote

By clicking the like in the top left corner of an idea you support

4 Submit

A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

Suggest an idea

Lets hope that 

Making new groups and working on some tools and learning about that tools and related information by making this will help new joiners and students to improve their skills and knowledge in alteryx software development projects and making it possible to work with alteryx easy and flexible..

Let's make sure to join in the team group and learn more .... Thanks if you are agree with the topic like this or else just live it... 👍 


I was speaking to a new customer this week and they really like the Community but they wondered if it would be possible to include an area in the Discussion Section for topics that are more centric to areas of interest and industry specific questions.  The example I was given was around survey data.


The customer mentioned that the Tableau Forum has something similar and that they felt this was missing from ours.


I'm not aware that this area already exists in the Community but it seems a good idea to me as all the sections at the moment are very product centric.



  • Feature Request
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