Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Quote Reply Button

Can we have a quote reply button for posts? This is a feature request for the entire Alteryx Community platform.


When replying to an existing post in the middle of a conversation, the reply still goes to the end of the topic.

Can we have the reply include a link to the initial post so that the context of the reply is not lost? Not all replies relate to the parent post of the topic but can relate to a later comment in the middle of the topic.


I find it especially relevant to weekly challenges discussions when talking about other people's solutions. As a standalone post, it does not make sense when it has no relation to the parent solution. E.g. 



Either a quote reply button or threaded conversation feature will improve the flow of conversation in the community.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Gopinaath wrote:

Can we have a quote reply button for posts? This is a feature request for the entire Alteryx Community platform.


When replying to an existing post in the middle of a conversation, the reply still goes to the end of the topic.

Can we have the reply include a link to the initial post so that the context of the reply is not lost? Not all replies relate to the parent post of the topic but can relate to a later comment in the middle of the topic.


I find it especially relevant to weekly challenges discussions when talking about other people's solutions. As a standalone post, it does not make sense when it has no relation to the parent solution. E.g. 


Either a quote reply button or threaded conversation feature will improve the flow of conversation in the community.

Hi @Gopinaath - there is actually an existing feature in the rich text editor. Simple click the Reply button on the reply you would like to quote, and then in the rich text editor click the "quotes" icon. It will quote the reply and then you can add your comment. Is that the feature you're looking for? 



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented