Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Alteryx Community - iOS and Android App

As of now, if a community member has to access the community, there are 2 ways:


1. Log in to the website from Desktop

2. Log in to the website from Mobile


When we are working on Alteryx workflows, it makes sense that accessing from Desktop is the best.


But when we are away from Desktop and having a conversation on a thread, it get's really bad from a user experience perspective that we have to go to browser, login and then access the community.


I think Alteryx should develop iOS and Android App for the community. It will increase the engagement of community members considerably.




1 Commentaire
Statut modifié en : Not Planned

A Community app would be a large undertaking. We work to make sure that the Alteryx Community is optimized for mobile devices and browsers with update. If there are currently any issues with this, please let us know.