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Pressing Right/Left arrow keys inside a text input tool should move to previous, next cell

When you are navigating within the text input tool, it would really help if we can navigate to next/previous cell upon pressing right/left arrow keys. If the cursor is at the end of a cell value then pressing the right arrow should go to next cell. Similarly, if the cursor is at the beginning of value of a cell, it should go to previous cell.


I believe it does this in the latest version of Alteryx when the cell is selected, but if the cell is in edit mode (and you see a cursor) then it doesn't. So you are asking for the cell to change when you use arrow keys at the beginning or end of a word when the cursor is showing, correct?

9 - Comet

Hi @jpoz , Thanks for reviewing my suggestion. Yes, I am talking about focus moving to next/prev cell while in the edit mode. This can be very convenient while you are editing and navigating to cells at the same time. 

Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for the suggestion. We implemented this in the 21.2 release, available now: