The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

Share your Designer Desktop product ideas - we're listening!
Submitting an Idea?

Be sure to review our Idea Submission Guidelines for more information!

Submission Guidelines

Alteryx for Disability People ADA

Alteryx to develop for the people who are Disable under American with Disability Act.


Hi! My name is Kyle and I lead the Accessibility team here at Alteryx. 


Please see this post for canvas keyboard navigation with a screen reader, and this post  for tool palette keyboard navigation with a screen reader. 


We are continuing to improve the accessibility of Designer and it will continue to improve with each release. 


Feel free to reach out to me at with any more questions! 


- Kyle

11 - Bolide

awesome work. Which reader to use NVDA or JAWA

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes