Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Is it possible to append to a YXDB instead of having to read in the whole thing, union the new records, and then re-create it? The short answer is, No, but you can accomplish this with SQLITE.
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how to reference other cells when creating formulas in excel
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How to use Runtime setting in the Workflow Configuration options to disable output and Browse tools\n  
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The partnership between Alteryx and Tableau is becoming stronger and stronger, and the seamless effortless integration has been made easier through the Publish to Tableau Server Tool. This article demonstrates the use of the Publish to Tableau Server tool, available on the Alteryx Analytics Gallery.
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By combining Alteryx and Microsoft Power BI, organizations can streamline and accelerate the process of preparing and analyzing data. This provides a faster way to deliver an end-to-end experience for data access, preparation, analysis, visualization and consumption — delivering deeper business insight faster with a more complete set of data.
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Having trouble reading or writing Microsoft Access files? No worries - Client Services is here to help!
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This article will guide you through the steps of as an example of uploading a file to FTP
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You may have a use case whereby you have a large dataset and you want to output it to separate excel files. However, in each of these excel files you would like to apply a template format.
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In a previous article, we've shown you how you can upload to FTP using the Download tool. With the release of Alteryx 10.5, the Download tool now supports uploading to SFTP. With this addition, we'll take the opportunity to show you some more examples of uploading data to SFTP/FTP and show you how seamless it can be.
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Did you know that instead of having to choose a save location in the Output Tool, you could leverage the directory that is used to save your temporary files?
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The Message Tool enables users to write custom messages to the output log
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Sometimes, you may want to write data to multiple files, with each file containing a specific number of records. You can leverage a Record ID column to do exactly that!
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How to connect to a Dropbox or account from Alteryx on your desktop
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Question Can an excel template be updated if the incoming information is not in a block form?  Say I want to fill in a form from an existing list into something like this template.       Answer This is a question we get from time to time. There are a few options on how to do this, the below provided by
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When using Excel spreadsheets in Alteryx, sometimes there may be difficulty in reading the data. Viewing the spreadsheets in XML format is an excellent way to check for encoding or formatting issues.
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"No table chosen; Please select a Table from data source".
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Reading and Writing spatial data from/to Redshift
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When you’re frequently writing and rewriting data to Excel spreadsheets that you use for Excel graphs and charts, it can quickly become a hassle to make and remake your reporting objects to keep them up-to-date so you’re visualizing the most recent data. A best practice to keep the hassle out of the process exists, though! If you keep your plots isolated to their own spreadsheet, referencing cell values in another sheet used to capture your data, you can simply overwrite the source data sheet and your plots will update automatically upon launching Excel. In the example below (attached in the v10.6 workflow Dynamically Update Reporting from Excel Spreadsheets.yxzp) we’ve included the workaround to make your Excel outputs seamless.
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