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Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
When connected to an Oracle database, the Visual Query Builder will freeze, or Designer occasionally crashes, when trying to select a method of aggregation for a selected column
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If there is already a selected stored procedure in the SQL Editor tab, clicking on the Stored Procedures tab in the “Configure Pre/Post SQL statements and Stored Procedure” window will throw out “Unable to find stored procedure ” where the name of the procedure is incorrect.
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the issue occurs when opening a data source in Designer
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How to Connect to Databases Outside of Alteryx.
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This directory was generated by the Alteryx install script, and contains an instance of the Oracle Instant Client. Oracle Instant Client is a collection of installed Oracle Database libraries for connecting Alteryx Designer to local or remote Oracle Databases. There’s no need for tnsnames.ora file.
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How to format common ODBC DSN-less connection strings
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Corrupted Data when writing V_STRING, V_WSTRING, WSTRING to a CLOB using OCI or when writing V_STRING to a CLOB using ODBC
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This article details different methods for connecting to an Oracle database from Alteryx.
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Receive error "ORA-00942 - table or view does not exist" or "ORA-00903 - invalid table name" using output mode to "Append Existing" even though the table exists
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Alteryx allows you to connect to many different types of data sources. One type of data source you can connect to is a database. Examples of databases are SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata, and MongoDB;  amongst many others. There are several connection methods to connect to database sources including ODBC, OleDB, or natively.
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When using special charater "≥" value in a database Input Data tool, the field displays as "=".
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Error: "internal error in SRC_GetCosmeticName_Raw" when creating new database connections.
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Error "ora-28094: SQL Construct Not Supported by Data Redaction" when trying to test sql query - basic select * from objectname
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Incorrect number of records being read from an Oracle database. Alteryx appears to be adding 100 duplicate rows
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When outputting to Oracle, the Designer result panel shows ORA-00001: unique constraint violated.
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Error: "ORA-12557: TNS: protocol adapter not loadable" when trying to connect to an Oracle database
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Error: "System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater" when connecting to Oracle.
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This is a workaround for connecting to an Oracle database that uses LDAP authentication.
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Have you ever wanted to enrich your marketing data through improved data blending and analytics. Now is your chance by connecting to Oracle Eloqua through Alteryx!
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Unable to find the dll: "OCI.dll" Within Alteryx this error will be prompted due to a mismatch between 32/64 bit drivers and the Alteryx bit version. This error may also appear if you do not have the drivers installed. One way to troubleshoot this is to find out what drivers you have installed! You can use an input tool in the Alteryx Designer, go to Other Databases and select either ODBC/OleDB (64-bit) or 32-Bit Database Connections -> ODBC/OleDB. In the next pop out window it will populate with the available drivers for those connections. If you have no drivers in this pop out window this means you do not havethe correct drivers for 32 bit or 64 bit connection dependent upon which one you chose. Links to drivers are available from within individual data source pages here. This will take you away from the Alteryx website and onto the driver provider’s pages. Please consult with your IT to find the correct drivers for your environment.
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