Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
How to find the relevant information and configure a Databricks connection through the Manage In-DB Connections window. The Databricks connection includes bulk loading capabilities that allow users to load large data sets faster. 
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When trying to read data from Hive, the error: "SQLPrepare: [Simba][Hardy] (80) Syntax or semantic analysis" is thrown in the server while executing a query.
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How to Edit Environment Variables for Oracle Data Connection
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Where do you start when you see "An Unhandled Exception occurred"?
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This article provides answers the most frequently asked questions related to In-Database Tools.
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During run time of workflow, the following error is received:
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Error: "Failed to connect to okta. Error code=401" when connecting to Snowflake using Okta SSO and MFA.
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How to format common ODBC DSN-less connection strings
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When using Simba Snowflake some NULL values are transformed into encoded values
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How to collect Wireshark traces to troubleshoot network-related issues.
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Receive error "ORA-00942 - table or view does not exist" or "ORA-00903 - invalid table name" using output mode to "Append Existing" even though the table exists
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DE30000 / GDC-1220: Snowflake Receive "ERROR: SQLPrepare: SQL compilation error:¶duplicate alias 'Tool1_7c8a' when using Inner Join In-DB Tool with the same Table" when using Inner Join In-DB Tool
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Receive Error: " The query resulted in multiple columns named "FIRST_NAME". Please resolve your query to return uniquely named columns." with Connect In-DB tool when query has a Join (Inner Join, Right Join, etc)
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Troubleshooting Database Connections
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We are proud to introduce you to the Manage Data Connection functionality in 11.0!
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How To: Gather ODBC Logs for troubleshooting
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User is attempting to connect to Hadoop Hive with Kerberos in Alteryx and getting an error: Failed to get username: Routine Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information. The test button in the ODBC DSN is successful.
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Using SQL Server connections, "date" datatype fields are changed to "V_WString"
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How to Sort with IN-Database tools
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Error: "ORA-12557: TNS: protocol adapter not loadable" when trying to connect to an Oracle database
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Error: "System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater" when connecting to Oracle.
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