Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
"Error: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: Error running Event #1: The external program "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\AlteryxEngineCmd.exe" returned an error code: 2: The system could not find the environment option that was entered. (203)"
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This article explains the steps in configuring the Personal Access Token in Tableau Online server, in order to use this in Alteryx Designer for a successful PAT(Personal Access Token) based connection
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One of the greatest strengths of modern web APIs is their flexible, developer-friendly nature, which provides numerous options for both the provider and the user. However, this flexibility can make it more intimidating for business users to deal with the various data formats that these APIs provide. The purpose of this article is to familiarize you with the main data formats used by the vast majority of web APIs, and provide the basic knowledge that will allow you to confidently process the data they return into a typical tabular format.
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This article is part of the CS Macro Development Series. The goal of this series is to communicate tips, tricks, and the thought process that goes into developing good, dynamic macros.
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Modifying the Jupyter Notebook creates a new temp directory and document instead of updating the existing workbook.ipynb file in the already created temp location.
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This article discussed about the Alteryx Connectors deprecation, for initial set of connectors, and clarifies the questions around the Connectors deprecation.
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API connections give access to many web-based applications, database systems, or programs by exposing objects or actions to a developer in an abstracted format that can easily be integrated into another program.
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Upgrading to numpy 1.24.0 onwards causes method to fail with "AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'"
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All levels of logging (warning, error, debug, info, etc) is treated as an error and return as an error in Production mode of Python tool.
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The custom tool or tool that uses Python SDK throws out an error is there is any error on the workflow canvas.
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Using Selenium 4.6.0 in interactive mode with "from ayx import Alteryx" statement causes an error in the Chrome Web driver.
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When your Python libraries don't work the way they should in Python tool, restoring the tool to it's original state could be the solution. This article walks through how to restore Python libraries and the virtual environment associated with the Python tool.
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If there is a space in the temporary directory, Predictive tools in Data Investigation, Predictive and Time Series and even R tool fail with errors like the following: Error in parse(text - 5): :1:17:unexpected INCOMPLETE_STRING
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The article provides troubleshooting steps when "404 not found" error is encountered in Python tool.
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Error can occurs if unsupported node.js and npm are used for creating custom Python tool.
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"Failed to read port assignment" occurs when using AYX Python SDK with protobuf greater than version 3.
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This article provides instructions to change the default path to unpack dependency packages for Jupyter Flow tool.
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Passing in a newly created date field in Jupyter Notebook to Jupyter Flow tool will fail with an error
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