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Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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Using Images in Reporting Tables

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

If you’ve ever wanted to spruce up your reports by adding images, you’re probably familiar with our Image Tool in our Reporting Tool Category. While it often comes in handy when you want to append images to a report, you can also append images conditionally, and to your tabulated datasets. This can help to identify patterns or communicate trends in your data more visibly and improve readability for your target audience. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words!

We’ve gone ahead and built out a brief sample of the approach in the attached v10.5 workflow export, PictureInTable.yxzp. This workflow uses a simple Formula Tool assignment to conditionally specify an image to be visualized next to reach row of data. In this use case, we wanted to show a down arrow image next to a negative (or 0) number in our Test field (trending down) and an up arrow next to a positive number (trending up):


Since the image files are in the same directory as my workflow, the Image Location field now specifies exactly where/what the images are for each row, allowing me to specify this field in the Image Tool. This will append the image at those file locations to each row of my data:

2016-05-05 16_21_56-Image (2) - Configuration.png


Then I simply build a table around the already tabulated data, excluding my Image Location field that was used to append the images. After rendering the table, you should see the images included:


There you have it - you can extend the approach to really liven your reports!

5 - Atom

Image is not being picked up even i used same expression. can you please advise where should i place these .png/jpeg files.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Raju!


The .\ in .\name.ext for each file means the working directory that the Alteryx workflow resides in - so wherever you save your workflow!


Best of luck!


5 - Atom

Thank You MattD

8 - Asteroid

How does this work for flows that are saved to /  run from the server? 


Hi @JFurda I would use UNC paths to a shared drive/resource to push this to server. So that you only have the files once on your server / file directories and then use them multiple times across your workflows.


UNC = \\server\shared_folder\path