Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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How To: resolve application launch issues with Designer


How To: resolve application launch issues with Designer

For problems with Windows not launching Designer or displaying an error message, the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter may help.


If you already tried rebooting and running the application as an administrator, try going to the Windows Search Bar select Settings, and then the Troubleshoot menu. Select the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter.

The description says it is for fixing problems with older programs. However, it does resolve other compatibility issues as well. Customers at a site were able to solve the problems with the newest version of Designer intermittently not launching using this wizard.

idea Skyscrapers

Click Next on the initial screen, and it will generate a list of programs. Select the Designer version that is not launching correctly.

idea Skyscrapers

On the next screen, select the option to Try recommended settings.

idea Skyscrapers

Select the Test the program button.

idea Skyscrapers

If the program launches correctly, choose the option: Yes, save these settings for this program.

idea Skyscrapers

Additional Resources

Keyword search: Designer, start, begin, initiate, launch, GUI lock

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you!!!!