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Command Line Cheat Sheet - Alteryx Designer and Server


Command Line Cheat Sheet

A cheat sheet of commands used when using, navigating, and troubleshooting Alteryx Designer and Server.


Full documentation here: AlteryxService Commands | Alteryx Help
alteryxservice startStart the AlteryxService.
alteryxservice stopStop the AlteryxService.
alteryxservice installInstall the AlteryxService.
alteryxservice uninstallUninstall the AlteryxService.
alteryxservice -helpList all commands for AlteryxService
alteryxservice test Run AlteryxService in test mode, with optional override parameters.
alteryxservice emongorestore=<path to backup location>,<path to restore to>Restores MongoDB from the backup location to the restore location.
alteryxservice emongodump=<path to backup location>Takes a backup of MongoDB. Outputs to specified directory.
alteryxservice getserversecretRetrieves the Controller token.
alteryxservice getemongopasswordRetrieves the MongoDB passwords.
alteryxservice getversionRetrieves the version of the AlteryxService.


cd [/d] <path>Change directory. /d is optional - allows you to change the drive at the same time.
chdir <path>Alternative to cd that can change directories even if your path has spaces in it.
dirList the contents of the current directory.


mongod ––dbpath <path to database> ––auth ––port <port> [--bind_ip_all]Start the Mongo daemon. --bind_ip_all is optional - needed only if you want to access the database from a remote machine.
mongo mongodb://<server>:<port>/<galleryDatabase> -u <username> -p <Non-Admin Password>Connect to the Mongo Shell.

Alteryx Engine

alteryxenginecmd <path to workflow>Run a workflow. Full documentation: Run Workflows by Command Line | Alteryx Help
alteryxenginecmd <path to app .yxwv> <path to appvalues .xml>Run an analytic app with app values. Full documentation: Run Workflows by Command Line | Alteryx Help
alteryxenginecmd /Lock <path of workflow to lock> <copy of the original workflow in its lcoked state>Locks a workflow. Once locked, it cannot be unlocked. See documentation for optional parameters: Lock Your Workflow | Alteryx Help


Full documentation here: Use Command-Line Options | Alteryx Help
<Alteryx executable .exe> [/s] [/l] <path to log file>Install an Alteryx executable. /s installs sliently. /l can include a log file; include the full path name including the drive letter and existing folder name.
AlteryxActivateLicenseKeyCmd <license key> <email address>Activate license online. Requires internet access.
AlteryxActivateLicenseKeyCmd <license key 1> <license key 2> <license key n> <email address> createRequestFor offline activation - creates a request file. The request file is used to create an activation (.bin) file.
AlteryxActivateLicenseKeyCmd <filename>For offline activation - load license activation file.
AlteryxActivateLicenseKeyCmd.exe <license key> deleteRemoves a license key from a machine.
wmic cpu get NumberOfCores/Format:ListGet the number of cores on the machine - used for licensing purposes. For more information see: How Alteryx defines cores for licensing our products


ipconfigGet the IP address of the computer. /all is optional and shows more detail.
ping <hostname or ip address>Tests the ability of the computer to reach the specified destination. Also used to verify name resolution.
netstat -aon | findstr :80Find what is running/listening on Port 80. Used in conjunction with tasklist to find the name of the process.
tasklist /svc /FI "PID eq <process id>"

Names the service running by process id (PID). Used in conjunction with netstat command above which returns the PID in the last column.

tracert <hostname or IP address>

The tracert command is used to visually see a network packet being sent and received and the number of hops required for that packet to get to its destination.

telnet <IP address port_number>

Telnet is software that allows users to remotely access another computer such as a server, network device, or another computer. With telnet, users can connect to a device or computer, manage a network device, set up a device, transfer files, etc.

nslookup <hostname>

Displays information that you can use to diagnose Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure. Before using this tool, you should be familiar with how DNS works.

pathping <hostname or IP address>"

Provides information about network latency and network loss at intermediate hops between a source and destination.
Pathping sends multiple Echo Request messages to each router between a source and destination over a period of time and then computes results based on the packets returned from each router.

netsh winhttp show proxy

Provides information about proxy server.



Add Alteryx executables to Path

You can add the Alteryx root path to your Path System Variables on your computer if you would like to execute them without needing to change directories to the Alteryx bin directory.
Accessing your system variables will vary between Windows versions. The following is the general process.
  1. On your desktop, access your computer's System options (from Control Panel).
  2. Access the Advanced options.
  3. Access the Environment variables.
  4. Access the Path variable.
  5. Edit the variable by typing or pasting the Alteryx path. The default path is C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin

Additional Resources

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Installing Connect from command line to a different drive can be done with a command like 

.\AlteryxConnect-2021.45-v21-4-5-10a1771c.exe /install TARGETDIR=D:\Alteryx /a /s

(Courtesy of @JamesHa )