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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
I have an app that contains 4 check boxes. Each check box is independent, and when checked, two other prompts open up to the user (in this case, text boxes which are also independent of the other check boxes).
I would like to be able to "Check All", so that with one click, ALL four check boxes are checked, and their prompts all open up.
Can you put a check box on the container title bar to make it easier to enable/disable containers in the process window? And can you make the minimize/maximize option for a conatiner a separate option from enable/disable?
I'd like a simple option to zoom to the full extent of my module, showing all the tools centered on the canvas.
Thank you.
An additional feature would be to have Alteryx be able to auto-arrange or clean up the canvas tools, specifying a mimum distance between tools and reducing connector overlaps.
We need the ability to pre-populate App questions with a default value. This not only gives the user an example of what type of data string the App is looking for, but also may avoid the user from having to do anything if the default folder or file is already correct.
This would also allow for quick App testing since we can just accept the defaults and not have to load up a yxwv file every single time.
ArcPy/Python, ESRI Modelbuilder, PyQGIS can all do this (heck, even MapBasic can do it!) - there's no doubt it's more convenient for the designer and end user.
I have several modules that need to run in sequence. Can a ksh or some other program be used to string the modules together?
So that if I have Step1.yxmd, Step2.yxmd and Step3.yxmd. 2 is dependent on 1, 3 is dependent on 2. I want to tell it the jobs to run and then to wait until that module completes, then run the next.
run Step1.yxmd
run Step2.yxmd
run Step3.yxmd
Or, if I have a group of modules that can run concurrently but subsequent jobs are dependent on all of them to finish, i can let all those jobs run and have the next step wait for those to complete to begin.
run Step1A.yxmd
run Step1B.yxmd
run Step1C.yxmd
run Step1D.yxmd
run Step2.yxmd
run Step3.yxmd
I know this is very simplistic, but hoping it shows the need. Also, we do have the scheduler set up to use, so if there is a way to set dependencies between modules within Scheduler, that might be helpful. Just haven't found anything.
Right now we can create Tableau extract files (.tde), but cannot read them into Alteryx -- this limits the partnership of these two companies.
Please add the functionality to import .tde files,
Currently, the map input for an application defaults either to a global view of the United States or to a fixed boundary. Usng a chained application, it would be an extremely useful option to be able to specifiy spatial objects (points, lines, polygons) in the first application and then allow the second application to zoom in appropriately to those spatial objects. This could be done by either specifying a custom zoom level and using those spatial objects as a center through a reference layer, or by allowing the zoom's boundary to contain all the spatial objects (similar to the map reporting tools).
I have often thought it would be nice to have a 'predicted run time' for a module calculated.
An adequate prediction might be the complete run time last time the module ran. Then, in combination with a counter of how long a module has been running so far, we’d be well armed to estimate whether to go get a cup of coffee or not.
I'd love the ability to Input an already-formatted Print Layout area within an Excel document, or a .PDF document in an effort to standardize reports needed on a regular basis.
Our department doesn't create everything that rolls into these reports, but we'd love the ability to incorporate external documents and save our company hours.
Is it possible to format an input tool to only look at the Print Area? If not, that capability would be wonderful.
When developing a module, I generally BROWSE the final data until I'm ultimately ready to generate output. Then I need to add or replace a browse tool with an output tool. Perhaps a general purpose output tool could save time for developers where the output tool functions as a browse tool until the output is actually checked on the tool configuration.
Taking this a step further, if an output is defined and the module is executed one could have a row limit on the read of data into the browse function of an output tool and see the first N records within a browse/output tool.
Sneak Peek.