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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Needed: ScreenShot Tool

I'd love the ability to Input an already-formatted Print Layout area within an Excel document, or a .PDF document in an effort to standardize reports needed on a regular basis.

Our department doesn't create everything that rolls into these reports, but we'd love the ability to incorporate external documents and save our company hours.

Is it possible to format an input tool to only look at the Print Area? If not, that capability would be wonderful.


7 - Meteor
We've created some Excel templates that we use with Alteryx.  After creating a template in Excel, we use Alteryx in the following manner:

1) RunCommand: Use this to copy the template to the target directory.
2) Output to "hidden" tabs in the Excel Workbook

Just a suggestion that might work for you.
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned