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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Can you add some additional options to the running sum tool?  I know this can be done in the Multi-Row formula, but it just takes too long to program and Alteryx is designed for speed and I know it can be done.  Can you add options to average, standard deviation, etc. also with running sum?  And then add a rolling time window on it.  That would be great!

Hi ,
Today i stuck in one position where my current module gaves an error because it doesnt found the Fields name. I define the field name in Formula tool for validation and harmonization. So as my Fields changes formula is also changes. But i donot want to make any changes in my Module.

So what i am thinking it will be better that we can define a formula in any file format like (.xlsx or .csv) and take the Input in formula tool.
So we do not have to change the module again and again. We just need to change the mapping file against the lates file coming. So we can check the file and define the formula in mapping file.

Thanks in Advance.


I think it would be extremely useful to have a switch connector available in Alteryx. What I mean by a switch connector is a connecting line with an on/off state that will block the data stream through it when off. Something like below:

This image is not available because: You don’t have the privileges to see it, or it has been removed from the system
Switch Connector in an "Off" state

This would be extremely useful when you only want data to flow down some of the paths. In the example above, I might turn the switch connector to off because I want to see the Summarize results without outputting to a document.

The current methods for having a path/set of tools present but unused are insufficient for my needs. The two methods I and Alteryx support were able to find were:

1. Deleting the connecting line - This works, but throws up errors. Even though this is functional, it looks bad when I need to present my Alteryx module and there are errors.
2. Putting the tools in a disabled tool container - I cannot see the tools when the container is disabled. I want to be able to see my tool set-up even when I am not using it.

This is inspired by the use of switches in electrical circuit design, such as:
This image is not available because: You don’t have the privileges to see it, or it has been removed from the system
Please comment if you also think this would be useful, or if you have ideas for ways to improve it further. Thank you!

I think it would be extremely useful to have a switch connector available in Alteryx. What I mean by a switch connector is a connecting line with an on/off state that will block the data stream through it when off. Something like below:

Switch Connector in an "Off" state

This would be extremely useful when you only want data to flow down some of the paths. In the example above, I might turn the switch connector to off because I want to see the Summarize results without outputting to a document.

The current methods for having a path/set of tools present but unused are insufficient for my needs. The two methods I and Alteryx support were able to find were:
1. Deleting the connecting line - This works, but throws up errors. Even though this is functional, it looks bad when I need to present my Alteryx module and there are errors.
2. Putting the tools in a disabled tool container - I cannot see the tools when the container is disabled. I want to be able to see my tool set-up even when I am not using it.

This is inspired by the use of switches in electrical circuit design, such as:

Please comment if you also think this would be useful, or if you have ideas for ways to improve it further. Thank you!

We've had several requests from clients for the ability to import password protected Excel spreadsheets into Alteryx.  Within Alteryx, it would be good to specify the password and inport the file without the need to create an unprotected copy for use in Alteryx.



I am not sure if this capability exists but I assume it does not.

We have a need to optimize a Linear Program (LP) model that consists of a system of equations and has both:
An objective function and a series of constraints. One of the software capabilities that SAS offers that currently
Alteryx does not have is this optimization capability. 

I am wondering if the capability is currently not available, is this capability in the Product Roadmap?



Instead of having multiple filters to create mutliples new branches for downstream analysis, Alteryx should have one filter with multiples ouputs ports. Each filter would is own statement. 

This would reduce the numbers of filters in a canvas.

Possibility to deselect fields directly in the input (shape, csv, tab, etc).


When using an App from the gallery, I would like to keep track of how many (Allocate dataset) checkboxes a user has toggled real-time by having a counter on the same form. Functionality would be the same as a winform which may contain a label control that contains a counter that updates every time a checkbox is (un)toggled. Then I would make the ‘Next’ or ‘Continue’ button active when a certain threshold is reached by the counter. So it needs to be dynamic. Maybe in general make the forms/Apps more dynamic so you have to do less chaining of apps?

It would be nice to have the annotations that a user gives a tool with a different background color on the canvas than those tools where the annotation is being automatically populated.  Example would be the user gives a tool a specific name that shows up in blue but the formula tools that display the formula preview under the tool show up in yellow.

I have been using the outputs from Spline Regression to facillitate analysis of demographic data (specifically Department of Labor Quarterly Employment data).  I have data from 1992Q1 to 2014Q1 and use Spline Regression to get fitted values for each quarter with predictors being the year/quarter, Year/quarter multiplied by a dummy variable for each of the 4 US Presidents, and a dummy variable for each president. 
So I can compare results across various groupings by geographic, and other levels as well as the BLS aggregation level. I can analyze raw data or have the values to be fitted indexed to 1992Q1.
I use the default settings for Spline and it builds the best fit including where the node periods for each spline section.  To help interpret the results, though, I use the output to compare the actual vs. fitted values (e.g. employment Level) and then look at the changes by quarter. 
With the spline regression building the best model with optimal line segments, the results make it possible to see how employment progress or regress correletat with with presidential terms of office or specific impacts of economic recessions on employment data.

I can supply an example of the process, if anyone is interested.

I'd appreciate any comments and/or suggestions to improve the process or interpret the results.  

The Input Tool reads Excel however many dashboards require multiple people to update a spreadsheet. Excel is too much of a hassle to share and update. Being able to read directly from a Google Spreadsheet would allow easy multiuser access to updating spreadsheets for dashboards.

Please add Google Spreadsheets to be an option in the Input Tool.

I know this is a reach, but it would be nice to have the ability to drag around points or lables on the map before outputing them.  Specific example, plotting competitor stores that are at a Mall, all of the points stack on eachother.
It would be extremely helpful to add in a "Count Distinct" function into the summarize tool.  This would help tremendously when working with hierarchical data.
It would be useful to have the count of rows show up under Browse icons once a module was run.  While debugging, I often have a number of Browse icons scattered about.  It would be nice if I didn't have to click on each to see how many records made it that far.


To keep from being too specific, the "Idea" is that Alteryx Designer should do better at recognizing and handling Date/Times on input. Thoughts include:
1) Offer more choices in the Parse: DateTime tool, including am/pm.
2) Allow users to add new formats to the Parse: DateTime lists.
3) Include user-added formats in the Preparation: Auto Field tool's library.
4) Don't require zero-padding of days and hours in the DateTimeParse() function.  (1/1/2014 1:23:45 AM looks enough like a date that DateTimeParse() should be able to figure it out, but it stumbles on day and hour.)
My particular difficulty is that I have incoming date/times with AM/PM components.  I've gone ahead and created a macro to take care of that for now, but it certainly seems like that sort of thing would be handled automatically.

Unless I'm missing the basics, I'm unable to scroll and pan during module runs.  I can zoom in and out, but not scroll or pan.
On large modules, I would love to be able to scroll to different areas to see progress/status of different key points in the process.
Guidance from the experts would be much appreciated!  Thanks!

Please include a function to support the conversion of data into this secure format.

Probably a small request, but please consider updating the Output and Browse tool icons so they are easier to tell apart from one another.

When working with large modules, I often need to update Output paths or make sure I'm not overwriting data, and the two tool icons are so similar they are hard to pick out.


Add some sort of highlight to an input data icon that currently has a record limit set.  Maybe an orange exclamation point on top the icon visually queing the analyst that the setting might need to be adjusted after process is complete.

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