Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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In every application, be it in Designer or on the Server product, please make version number easily available in Help --> About and make it copy-able so that we can quickly copy-paste it when submitting a case.


Currently, the Server product does not even have a menu item to quickly be able to see what exact version number it is on.

As reported in this post, I would suggest to only add new browse tools to outputs that do not have a browse tool attached already when using the "Add All Browse" feature.


Thank you!


Mar-18-2020 07-45-50.gif

The desginer autosave feature is fantastic when you need it. However, it's pretty annoying when you don't need it as it seems like it:


  • Autosaves blank workflows
  • Autosaves workflows that are saved and haven't had any changes made to them


Hopefully all of the above can be filtered out from Autosave: 




The only workflow from the screenshot above that I'd want Autosaved would be the Parse Directory workflow as this is the only one which I made changes to:


- New Workflow1 - Completely blank

- PureGym Log In - Saved and no changes made

- New Workflow2 - Completely blank (however, I had dragged a tool onto canvas and deleted it, so something had changed)


However, Alteryx brings up all of the workflows:





Sometimes I want to copy just the Name and Type fields from the metadata in the Results window. Even when selecting this option, however, all 5 available fields still get copied and pasted. I would like to see this change to work as expected and only copy those cells selected.


Copy only the first two columnsCopy only the first two columns


All of them get pastedAll of them get pasted


Cc @DultonM 

When you are navigating within the text input tool, it would really help if we can navigate to next/previous cell upon pressing right/left arrow keys. If the cursor is at the end of a cell value then pressing the right arrow should go to next cell. Similarly, if the cursor is at the beginning of value of a cell, it should go to previous cell.

Alteryx Admin Designer
Version: 2019.2.10.64688


Use case: Improved accessibility of Designer functionality via Keyboard and UI Menus

Hello Alteryx Team. I am very new to the Alteryx world. As I continue to learn and go through training and tutorials, one thought occurred to me. Using Alteryx requires a great deal of mouse dexterity - especially as workflows grow in complexity. This could be extra-challenging or frustrating for users with limited mobility.


As a huge fan of keyboard shortcuts, I found the Find Tool (CTRL+F) to be very handy when locating and selecting tools without the mouse. And the View Possible Connections feature enables the ability to link anchors without a mouse. Excellent! However, this handy feature seems only accessible by right-clicking a tool with the mouse. I'm unable to find an entry for this feature in any of Designer's menus, nor does it appear when using the Menu key on the keyboard (which brings up the Context Menu, aka Right-Click).


Perhaps this has been addressed in other versions of Designer. Or it might be a UI oversight. But in terms of accessibility, I feel it would be very useful.


Please let me know your thoughts or show me how to find it outside of right-clicking.


Many thanks,



I keep Connection Progress on "Show" by default. I find that the row count tooltips are crucial for spotting issues during development. Sometimes, the counts are huge and I have to mentally insert commas. Please give the option to add commas/decimals (based on US/EU standards) into the Connection Progress tooltips. Thank you.

Hi Dev team,


As well as this much needed UI feature to scroll through workflows


Could you please change the order of workflow names in the 'Active Documents' button to be ordered in the same order as the workflow tabs and not alphabetically as it currently is?


When you have more than 5 workflows open (or less if they have long names) it's so tricky to quickly and easily cycle through them to find the ones you need. This is especially important when demoing, training and presenting to others!









The following idea might not be as valuable as some of @SeanAdams posts, but it would save this user precious fractions of time.   When I leave the canvas with my mouse (point A) to go up to the pallet I select and drag the tool down to the canvas.  Sometimes I do right-click and go through the menus to add the next tool, but generally I go through that labor only when I'm inserting in-stream the tool.  So here is my idea:


Double-Click your NEXT tool and it "Alteryx-ly" appears on your canvas in proximity to the hi-lighted (last) tool.  Better yet, connect it!  Now I can move from the pallet to the configuration panel directly without having to move my mouse down to the canvas and then over to the configuration panel.


Hopefully, my friend @Hollingsworth will find this time-saving idea worthy of a star.  Speed demons like @NicoleJohnson and @BenMoss might not need this turbo boost, but at my age it is worth the ask.





I'd like to see the DateTimeLastOfMonth and DateTimeFirstOfMonth functions be more flexible then just getting the first or last date of the current month. It would be great if you could point to a date field and have it give the first or last date of that month. i.e  DateTimeLastOfMonth([randomdate]) and if the [randomdate] = December 3rd, 1981, the result would bring back 1981-12-31

the SQL Editing screen has recently been changed (thank you @jpoz  and team!) - and now has syntax indenting and keyword coloring.


Could I ask for a minor change:

- The tool seems to be doing a word-wrap even if the container doesn't need it - for example in the screenshot below, the entire on clause can fit on one line because I've expanded the window so that it doesn't need to wrap.

- Could you also default to putting the ON clause for a join 4 spaces indented underneath the join clause?   worked example below.




SQL Query Wordwrap.png


Indenting Structure:


Could we use a default structure for queries where the on part is indented underneath the Join?








    inner join table2

        On Table1.key = table2.key

        and table1.keyb = table2.keyb

    inner join table3

        on table3.key = table1.key

        and =





As of today, if you want to add a PostgreSQL in database connection, you may feel embarrased :





However, the help states that PostgreSQL is supported by in-database.



oh, I forgot to mention : with a little luck, you can find tis help page :

Yep, you have to configure a "greenplum" connection if you want to use a PSQL.

i think this is not user-friendly and can lead to mistake, errors, frustration and even lack of sales for Alteryx :


Also, Greeenplum and PSQL will have separate features so I think having two separate entries in the menu is pertinent.

Best regards,



I do a lot of work with SQL code in the PRE/POST SQL options and when I get an error, it usually returns the entire code and a little bit about what is wrong. These long strings are hard to read in the current tooltip format as if you hover over to see the entire error, the tooltip goes away after 5 seconds. So I am frantically reading through lines of error code 5 seconds at time. Can we make it so the tooltip just hangs out until I move my cursor off of it?

The option to open Hyper files in 2019.4 is great! For some of our use cases it would be even better, if we would be able to directly open Hyper files that have been published to Tableau Server.


It should be possible to achieve this by combining the Tableau REST API method Download Data Source, which returns a Tableau Packaged Data Source (.tdsx), which then would need to be converted to a Zip file to be able to navigate to the contained Hyper file.

It will be great if we have a round down or round up function just like excel in Alteryx. I know we can use the left function after converting the number to string, but it becomes difficult when the decimal value is huge.

The  license management site needs major work.


On the View Licenses page it shows all licenses going back several years. A basic need is to show only licenses which haven't expired, but that is not an option.You cannot even sort on the expiration column while you can sort on most others columns.


The most simple need is to see a list of my current active license users - but I do't see a way to do that.


I tried an "Advanced Search" and chose  expiration date after 2019-10-29 and none of my licenses which expire in 2020 appear - I get a blank list.


Similarly on the administer machines page you cannot filter to hide expired licenses or even on the licenses column (which doesn't sort either).


The help link on the page doesn't bring you to help specific to that page but the general activation help front page. After several clicks I found this page:


But  the help is incomplete (doesn't list Machine types or the difference between Active and Inactive)


Also, there is no export capability - copy and pasting into Excel is a formatting headache as it brings in check-boxes.


Lots of room for improvement here.





P.S. I understand that work is being done on this, but an ETA would be greatly appreciated.


Most organizations are moving to the cloud and Microsoft is the biggest one in the game.

I pleased that you have updated the List tool to connect to SP 365 but soon all of the shared drives will be online and if its vital for Alteryx success to be able to communicate, pull and export data to those locations. 


With the Desktop, there is a way to make it work by authenticating and for the previous SP version by logging on to SharePoint first on the server then the scheduler would run successfully. Now the scheduler isn't able to take advantage of the authentication already established. 



If Alteryx isn't able to keep up it will soon find itself behind in innovation and tool of choice.

Before 2019.3, you could edit the default annotation that Alteryx generated, but now if you go to change the annotation it's either 100% your own annotation or 100% the default annotation left by Alteryx.


I found it useful to retain a portion of Alteryx's default annotation (e.g., a long table name when setting up a database connection) while being able to cull the superfluous portions (e.g., didn't want to see the Source / Catalog). Now, if I want to retain the Table name I have to type it out.

It would be great if there was an output option for excel files where you could overwrite the data in the sheet, but keep the formatting in the sheet. Similar to how the Paste Values option works in Excel. This would allow me to create a template with data validation, conditional formatting, column widths, cell fill colors, etc and set a workflow to run on a schedule and just paste the data into the existing template.


To get around this right now I have to output it to a separate tab and then paste the columns as values over the existing template. This is fine unless I am out of the office and need to bother someone else to do it. I know there have been many times where i wish this was an option outside of the report I am currently building. I am honestly surprised I couldn't find an idea already submitted about this!




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