Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Provide the ability to gather this metadata for dynamic select. This could unlock data hygiene needs by allowing users to readily select fields with: blanks, nulls, unique or not, avg min max, etc.



So when you double click a word in Any other program it only highlights that word, for fast easy replacement

ex. [Field Number One]

If you double clicked any of these words in any other program you would only highlight JUST the word.

In Alteryx if you double click the same word you're gonna grab the space to the right of the word AND THE BRACKET on the left making the double click functionality useless.


Please fix.

The Listbox (interface macro) is currently populated statically when sourcing values through a Connected tool. Whatever, I configure in the macro is retained. When I use the macro in a workflow the LIstbox values are not updated when the fields in the connected tool are changed. This practically limits my capabilities to build a truely dynamic macro/app.

The Listbox should be able to show dynamically the fields coming in through the connected app.

I think a lot of us have run into this problem at some point.  We are running a longer workflow and right at the end everything will stop with an error.  The problem is that someone has a file Alteryx is reading or writing to open in another program.  When this happens, it will stop with an error and the whole process will need to be started again from the beginning.  I think it would be great for Alteryx to be able to halt, alert the user of the problem, and give the option to retry reading or writing.

 I've seen the question in the community and have had the need to cascade fields in a record.  On certain conditions, field 2 moves to field 1 and field 3 moves to field 2 etcetera.  This can be a complicated process remembering if the moves were made and which field contents should be where.


One solution might be to define the cascade condition as an expression and then map the fields as FROM TO and allow for defaulting into a field (ie: Null()).


Another solution might be to reference the input data directly.  You could get field values from the input stream before enhancements to data were made.


At the end of a process, Delta Flags (fields changed during the formula) could be created if input/output of selected variables were changed.


A stream of thoughts....



I recently had a project that involved clipping the spatial polygon from one record with the spatial polygon of a different dataset. Currently, the only way I know how to use Alteryx to do this is to use a Spatial Match tool to get both spatial objects in the same record line, which allows me to use the Spatial Process tool. In my case, I was trying to trim polygons to the US, so my second spatial object was a polygon for the entire US, which then got attached to every record of my data in order to do the Spatial Process.


My suggestion is simple, make the Spatial Process tool have an option that would allow for two Inputs. I bring my target data in on one stream, chose the process method I want, and use the second Input as my "clip" data. This would allow people to trip/clip their data without having to append the clip data to every single record in the target dataset.


Same concept applies for the Distance tool, currently have to have both spatial objects in one record. My suggestion is to allow the Distance tool to also allow two inputs, I understand there is the Find Nearest tool and that as two inputs, but I'm not always just wanting the nearest, or to have a cutoff distance. Sometimes, I just want to know the distance in my target data to the location in my secondary file, for every record..

It would be great to make R tool in Alteryx closer in interface to, let's say, RStudio. By this I mean - can we please have code auto completions, color highlighting of formulas/dataset names, and other useful interface details that make coding easier?

When working with large amount of data the browse tool profiling causes the program to stop responding.


A feature to disable the profiling per browse tool.

or even better

After a set threshold (e.g. amount of rows), the auto profiling is disabled and requires an action to run.

I am frequently using comments within my containers to tell an engaging story to my business Audience about the workflow I have built. However, whenever I start adding, removing, moving tools etc within containers these comments don't remain static within the relative position of the container and drift into positions that I have to manually adjust. 



From a time saving perspective it would be great if I could:

1. fix the position of comment within a container and

2. Group comments in a way similar to how you can group objects in Visio and Photoshop


How I use comments in AlteryxHow I use comments in Alteryx

Give me the ability to select a date range that limits the available selections for a date tool.  

The limitations should include:

Future dates only

Past dates only

Dates between [startdate] and [enddate]

Future/Previous # years

Future/Previous # months

Future/Previous # weeks

Future/Previous # days

Currently with Alias Manager you can only create Aliases for database connections. 


We use HDFS Connections to write files to HDFS so it would be really useful to use an Alias especially when promoting workflows to Alteryx Server. 



While the download tool, does a great job, there are instances where it fails to connect to a server. In these cases, there is no download header info that we can use to determine if the connection has failed or not. 


Currently the tool ouputs a failure message to the results window when such a failure occurs. 


Having the 'failed to connect to server' message coming into the workflow in real time would allow for iterative macro to re-try. 






Currently the Throttle Tool allows control to a number of calls per minute. Some APIs include a limit to the calls per hour and a combination of throttles. I would love to see the option to choose the number of calls per hours and have 2 limit controls (eg 100calls per minute and 100calls per hour)

I think the Nearest Neighbor Algorithm is one of the least used, and most powerful algorithms I know of.  It allows me to connect data points with other data points that are similar.  When something is unpredictable, or I simply don't have enough data, this allows me to compare one data point with its nearest neighbors.


So, last night I was at school, taking a graduate level Econ course.  We were discussing various distance algorithms for a nearest neighbor algorithm.  Our prof discussed one called the Mahalanobis distance.  It uses some fancy matrix algebra.  Essentially it allows it it to filter out the noise, and only match on distance algorithms that are truly significant.  It takes into account the correlation that may exists within variables, and reduces those variables down to only one.  


I use Nearest Neighbor when other things aren't working for me.  When my data sets are weak, sparse, or otherwise not predictable.  Sometimes I don't know that particular variables are correlated.  This is a powerful algorithm that could be added into the Nearest Neighbor, to allow for matches that might not otherwise be found.  And allow matches on only the variables that really matter.  

To navigate through XML document you need several parse tools to drill down to an element because you can only use element names


It would be nice if you case use an xml path (xpath) because of the rich syntax.


With xpath, we could specify ship_to/address/city or bill_to/address/city

I would like to see additional input tools for common raster formats such as .BIL, .IMG, etc.  Functionality similar to the inputs for MapInfo Vertical mapper .grc and .grd (which are not very common) would be great, but an added feature would be to provide an option to load the data as centroids or centroid lat/longs only.  I have found that aligning multiple grc/grd layers based on centroid lat/long allows for cross-file analysis that is much more intuitive than other methods (i.e. R or ESRI), but it takes significant time to parse individual boxes and then calculate the centroid as a second step.


A super added bonus would be the ability to output raster files.


Like PDF Reader and Tableau Reader wherein things can't be edited but users (at large scale) can execute pre-designed content and business logic can interactively use it; I'd like to propose Alteryx Executor as free platform for the end users. Once the business logic has been designed on the designer, the alteryx wizard/ app/ workflow can be handed over to the clients for easier adaptability.


These days I get my work done easily though Alteryx and it creates client delight and once they also want to have it for their production usage - they push me to convert it all into MS Office/ SQL/ Python platforms. Which ends up into very inefficient usage as well as drop in adoption of Alteryx. I've significantly dropped using Alteryx and have stopped encouraging others to use as end state is extrememly painful.


What's Alteryx is doing about it? USD 3500 is a lot of money to shed for data blending and analysis tool each year for the license whereas lot of freeware like Sisense/ Pentaho/ Python is available to the clients for their usage.



I have a suggestion for selecting multiple tools. You currently have it to where the user can hold down Ctrl and select multiple tools one at a time. Could you take it the next step and allow the user to hold Ctrl and then click and drag over multiple tools, then go to another area while still holding Ctrl and click and drag to select multiple tools again.


For example, I would first click and drag over these tools:


Then hold down Ctrl and click and drag over these tools (I’m trying to select the 5 tools without grabbing the Filter tool and it’s 2 Browses):

Currently if a user has multiple connections in a workflow that connect to a password-protected source, and that password changes, the user will be locked out of their account by login attempts as Alteryx attempts to validate the connection.


Today I had to manually edit the XML of another user's workflow in order to remove references to their server, so they could correct their password without locking the account for a third time today.


While I understand that aliases are a good workaround to this problem, the issue still has potential to occur.


Having an option to load a workflow in a "SECURE" or "SAFE" mode, where it would not validate a query until runtime, or refreshing the metadata manually, would help to significantly reduce lockouts which would improve the usability of the tool.

For those with large web and streaming-media server logs, the ability to geocode IP addresses be an excellent feature, similar to Alteryx's ability go geocode street addresses. Several IP geocoding services exist, with different levels of accuracy and cost. Ideally, the user should be able to choose their own service if they have one, in addition to a default service built-in to Alteryx.


A proof of concept is documented in this post


The IP geocoding tools should include:

  • IP address to IP number conversion, and the reverse
  • IPv4 and IPv6
  • Output for postal code, country, city, state, latitude/longitude centeroids


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