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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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If we have similar workflows within the gallery saved and we need to make slight changes in the process to all of them, it would be helpful if we could open all workflows from the gallery by either mutliselect or using a checkbox next to those workflows that we wish to open all at once.  


As an Alteryx developer building ETL workflows for Salesforce, I want to use the successes and errors from a Salesforce Output tool in a workflow to feed other tools in the same workflow.

When you go to the web portal for downloads - it only allows you to download the latest release of a given major version.


For example - 2019.2 had 2 releases:

- 2019.2.5.62427

- 2019.2.10.64688


However when trying to download previous versions of 2019.2 (e.g. 2019.2.5) - the only version available is the latest version


Please can you allow server admins to download ANY public released versions?


Many thanks





I think it would be great to introduce something like Ghost Input Data tool. The tool would refer to an Input Data tool that is used in the same workflow multiple times but is placed far from several other tools it needs to be connected to. This way the data would have to be loaded once and annoying and distracting connecting lines can be avoided.

Would it be possible to allow for a search field within View Possible Connections menu? This would make it easier for very large workflows when adding on new tools running independently in separate streams, but using the same input or core work stream, without having to scroll up/down the list manually when you have hundreds of tools/connections.


It would also be beneficial to be able to connect to interface tools through View Possible Connections as well. Example: Output Folder tool to connect to an Output tool from the View Possible Connections. Currently, this isn't an option.

Type-Anywhere Tool Selection


I'd like to suggest a new feature to Alteryx where you can 'type anywhere' on the canvas to begin searching for a tool which you can then select with the Enter key and cycle through results with TAB.


This would be a simple quality of life improvement/addition but, I believe, a useful one. The interface and tool palettes for Alteryx are very easy to navigate and even if you get stuck you can use the global search box to help you find tools, as well as community posts and KB articles. Having the ability to search on the canvas just by typing I think could really improve user speed and efficiency when adding tools. 


My idea of how this would work functionally is that with no other tool clicked, i.e. you've clicked onto a blank bit of the canvas, a user could just start typing their search and a small box with 3-4 results would start to populate with tool suggestions. Again using TAB and Enter to cycle and select this box respectively. An example of how this could look is shown below after a user would have typed 'sel'.


Type-Anywhere Tool Selection MockupType-Anywhere Tool Selection Mockup


The box could be removed by clicking off the box, ESC, etc. 


In the case of no search results, it could prompt to search the global search box, transferring the typed search term to the said global search box.



Thanks for taking the time to read my idea. If you think this could be useful to you, please leave a vote/like and/or comment!


Sam 🙂


I use the same 2 saved expressions across 58 workflows (and growing).

I'd like to know that I am using the universal expressions, so that I know that it is the latest version and that I am not missing an update.


Is there somewhere on the Configuration panel that can show the name of the expression in use?




Sometime I confused DateTimeParse(dt,f) and DateTimeFormat(dt,f).

My idea is changing "DateTimeParse(dt,f)" to "DateTimeParse(string,f)" when we select DateTimeParse from function list.

Because DateTimeParse uses string type data as a first variables, not datetime type data.

No need to change DateTimeParse function itself.


Apologies if this is a bit edge case and only something that I struggle with but I'd really like the option to add workflow Meta Info when saving a workflow to the Gallery.  We have a strict rule that all workflows must have a Meta Info description when we save to Gallery, but I often forget so end up saving once, then I add Meta Info, then have to save again.  I would like a little box under the details box, on the Save As, dialogue box to add this Meta Info, (see screen shot below).  This data would then also appear in the Meta Info tab in the Workflow - Configuration properties.





Support was added in 2018.4 for conditional update and deletion of rows in a SQL Server table (ODBC) based on incoming records, however Azure SQL Server is not supported.

Surely support for Azure should not be difficult to add given other SQL Server implementations are now supported?


See original idea here:


And 2018.4 release here:





as shown in the Alteryx Inspire Demo, Assisted modeling is going to work with a wizard and generate several tools as result.

The data evaluation functions and feature engineering assist however would be extremely useful tools in their own, is there any chance we can use them as separate tools in the upcoming version?


Thanks in advance!

I'm sure there's a reason behind it, but can we please be allowed to run calculations on null values in a formula tool? right now, if we sum three values (1 + 3 + [null]) it produces [null], can the formula tool just ignore the null values? the only way around this is to fill the [null] cells with a value and that adds an additional step to what should be a fairly straight forward process. That value would have to be different for a multiplication formula vs an addition formula in order to not change the answer materially whereas ignoring the value is a more consistent solution. 

The RegEx tool has a drop down list so that user does not need to go KnowledgeBase; the specifier list should be added to the DateTime tool so user has a quick reference.


Users would benefit from this concept if done elsewhere as well


It would be great to have the option in the Join tool to "Delete duplicate fields from Left input" and same for "Right input". the field might have the same name, but the data in them might be different.

As in power point, it would be great to repeat the last action done, such as drag again into the canvas the last tool that was drag, if you just selected some tools and aligned them vertically, then selected other tools, press F4 and align those too...

Hi Alteryx team,

The current UI options for building Alteryx Apps are very restrictive. Three simple changes could allow us to build much more feature rich apps.

1. Make the html sdk for building custom tools available for building Alteryx App interfaces.

2. Allow us to place objects from the interface palette next to each other (horizontally)

3. Allow the text in Labels and text box tools to be driven from incoming data fields, for instance in a chained app.

Allowing the containers to be manipulated in size much like the explorer box tool - it feels like sometimes the containers stretch to far and cover to much blank space - allowing for a cleaner looking workflow.    

This minor but also easy.  It would be nice to have four way control to adjust the size of four open windows.  Instead of adjusting two and then adjusting the other two.  When hovering over the four corners of where the window come together - when they are lined up - then the cursor would change to a four way arrow and allow adjustment of all four windows in four directions.





The ability to move around in the canvas, especially with larger workflows is phenomenal! You can move up and down with the scroll wheel, left and right by holding shift, and zoom in and out with control.


The results window is a different story. While zooming in and out might not be useful, shift + scroll to quickly and accurately slide through the results window would be amazing. Often when setting up the next tool, developers will reference the results window, and navigating to the correct field can be cumbersome, especially when the amount of fields quickly increase.

Apologize if this is already an idea, but I didn't see anything when searching through the ideas.

I usually have some checks of my workflows. The simplest are row counts at varying points. I use Count Records tools, rename the outputs using a Select tool, Union them, and use a Message tool to calculate and show Deltas. I want to have the ability to control the output field name of the Count Records tool the same way I can control the output field name of a Record ID tool.

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