Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Alteryx Python SDK - please add overload for str() to allow for inspection

When developing in Python using custom objects - you often use print( object) or str(object) to see what's in this object quickly.

For example 

myDictionary = {
'CarType': 'Ford',
'Cost': 20000}

this defines a dictionary.   If I want to quickly look into these to see what's there I can use:



# gives {'Cost': 20000, 'CarType': 'Ford'}


"{'Cost': 20000, 'CarType': 'Ford'}"


This is incredibly useful for debugging and to understand how these custom objects / classes work.


Please could you add an overload to the str() method to allow this kind of simple debugging and understanding for all the classes used in the Alteryx Python SDK (


For example:

str(record_info_in) which is of type <class 'AlteryxPythonSDK.RecordInfo'>) gives you <AlteryxPythonSDK.RecordInfo object at 0x000001A2C48C3190> which is not very helpful.

Much more useful would be to flatten this into a string format or dictionary so that users can see what's in the RecordInfo object that they're working with to make delivery and debugging easier.



cc: @Ozzie @BlytheE 





Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes