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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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CASS Address Type Identification

A great feature would be for CASS to provide the address type as Residential or Business.  Better yet, further breakdown of address type into single-family, apartment, retail, office, commercial, warehouse, etc.  This would be very beneficial when analyzing address data from the Tom Tom Address Points Calgary database and can allow a end-user to filter prioritize addresses in their analysis based on the type of address.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team



Thank you for your idea! Currently we do have this feature in CASS to a certain degree, which you can check out in our CASS Help Documentation under: CASS_AddressTypeCode. However, more in depth Type Identification can also be found in our Business Insights data sets.


Are you looking for a specific region? Or for this data to be more actively available in the future CASS releases for all regions?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes