Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Hi there,


When you connect to a DB using a connection string or an alias - this shows up in the Workflow Dependancies in a way that is very useful to allow you to identify impacts if a DB is moved or migrated.


However - in 2023.1, if you use DCM then the database dependancies just show up as .\ which makes dependancy management much more difficult.





Please could you add the capability to view the DCM dependancies correctly in the dependancy window?


BTW - this workflow Dependancy Window would be a great place to build a simple process to move existing DB connections to a DCM connection!


CC: @wesley-siu @_PavelP 

Syntax Highlighting Idea:

Similar to the Formula Tool, allow the Multi-Field Formula tool (and other similar tools) to have Syntax Highlighting to allow user to easily determine if the formula being input doesn't have any errors.


Variable Autofill Idea:

Similar to the Formula Tool and how it provide a list of columns as you begin to type them, allow the Multi-Field Formula tool (and other similar tools) to have the ability to autofill variables such as [_CurrentField_] or [_CurentFiledName_] as you begin to type them.


Hi is it possible to look at alteryx workflows being run when a file has been dropped into a file or somehting along those lines? I.e an external activty has taken place

Having the open / close ( expand / collapse ) button for the tool container in lhe top right corner implies that everytime a big container is expanded, to close it the user has to move the pointer to its new position, which sometimes mean scrolling / zooming out and then zooming in to locate it.

I suggest to locate that button in the top left corner by the side of the enable/disable switch or even a double click mechanism for open/close, which would enable to user to open, see what is inside the container, and close it without moving the mouse to locate the new location of the button.



Where it stands now, only a file input tool can be used to pull data from Google BigQuery tables. The issue here is that the data is streamed and processed locally, meaning the power of BigQuery processing isn't actually being leveraged.

Adding BigQuery In-Database as a connection option would appeal to a wide audience. BigQuery is also standard SQL compliant with the SQL 2011 standard, so this may make for an even easier integration.

Here is the issue I have, when you are using a Join tool and you have multiple columns that you are joining on (to the point that they don't all show in the 
Configuration window), i have a tendency to use the mouse scroll wheel to move down to see additional columns i am joining on.  The mouse scroll controls different things depending on where your cursor is.  If your cursor is over the Left or Right columns then the scroll button will change the Fields you are using to join on.  I have messed up more workflows then i care to mention due to this.  I do not think it is appropriate for the scroll wheel to effect and change the fields in the configuration window and it should only be used to scroll up and down in the configuration window.  




As an analyst in a large team, there has been occasions when multiple users are editing the same workflow resulting in duplicated efforts and overwritten work.  

This is particularly an issue with remote working when it's not so easy or instant to ask your colleagues "Are you working on X?"

Having a notification pop-up (like the MS example below) would be extremely helpful in order to know if another user is already accessing the workflow so multiple users do not end up editing the same workflow independently.



I decided to get real fancy when building a standard macro the other day. I checked the box on my macro input that made the connection optional:Capture2.PNG




It worked really well. My macro then became more complex, so I changed it to a batch macro. To my great surpise/astonishment/shock, the optional incoming connection is no longer optional:



The standard macro is working as expected on the left, but the batch macro is producing an error because my optional connection is requiring that something be connected to it.



I've been told that the code to make it optional is not there for batch macros and that this would be a product feature/improvement.


We've got your metadata.  Suppose the "SELECT COLUMNT TO SPLIT" question is considered by Alteryx and this happens:


  • A field is selected because it contains similar \W (regex for non-word characters) patterns in the data (e.g. count of delimiters in the field are roughly equal).
  • The delimiter (MODE delimiter or BEST) is defaulted
  • Split # of columns = MODE count + 1

If a user updates the Field/Delimiter, the metadata could suggest the right Number of columns based upon the delimiter.


This all belongs in the automagically idea bank.  It saves me the time of counting delimiters or trial and error counts.






As of today, only English is available. But it's hard to convince French Customers with french language data to buy the AIS if it cannot work with their data.

Best regards,


Alteryx should seriously consider incorporating certain Excel features into its Brows tool, as they greatly enhance usability and functionality.


Currently, when selecting specific records in the Brows tool, users are unable to obtain important metrics such as sum, average, or count without resorting to additional steps, such as adding a summary tool or filters.


However, envisioning the integration of a concise bar below the message result window that provides these essential statistics, which are immensely beneficial to users, would undoubtedly elevate the Brows tool to the next level.


By implementing this enhancement, Alteryx would make a significant impact and establish the Brows tool as a must-have resource.













Please update the Publish to Tableau Server connector tool to support Tableau's Ask Data feature. The data source must be recognized as an extract on Tableau Server in order for the Ask Data feature to work. Currently, all data source published using version 2.0 of the connector tool are recognized as a live data source. The work around is cumbersome and requires multiple copies of data sources to be created and managed.

Currently, you have two choices for Auto Configure while working on workflows:

  • Auto Configure switched on: After every change, the configurations (= columns) of tools are re-evaluated for the entire workflow (at least, this is how it feels like).
  • Auto Configure switched off: Configuration of tools is only re-evaluated when pressing F5 (or when using the clipboard).

Pros and Cons of both:

  • Auto Configure switched on:
    • Configuration in each tool is always accurate so that working on tools is straight forward.
    • Editing workflows gets annoyingly slow for complex workflows, especially when data sources from network locations or macros are used. Sometimes I have to wait a minute between two mouse clicks.
  • Auto Configure switched off:
    • Editing workflows is faster (at least in theory).
    • I have to press F5 all the time (because I nearly always change output configuration of tools when working on workflows). Even after pressing F5, Alteryx does not always succeed in calculating the correct configuration of a tool.
    • Working with clipboard, loading, saving workflows is still slow.

I would love to have something in between all, kind of an intelligent Auto Configure with following features:

  • F5 still starts full configuration evaluation.
  • Configuration of input tools is frozen (unless F5 pressed) so that no network access is started during editing the workflow.
  • Check for update of macro files is switched off (unless F5 pressed).
  • After changing a tool configuration, either a flag is set that this tool was changed but no re-assessment of the workflow configuration is run (approach 1), or only downstream configuration is updated (approach 2). Whether approach 1 or 2 is started could be decided on various criteria: Number of downstream tools (or other measure of complexity), how many "change flags" according to approach 1 are already set, etc.
  • If approach 1 was chosen: If you edit a tool which is downstream to another one for which the change flag is set, re-evaluate only the portion of the workflow between the previously changed upstream tool and the tool supposed to be edited.
  • Using Clipboard should not invoke full re-configuration.
  • Before saving a file, full re-configuration needs to be run (as already now).

This idea will add quite some complexity into the logic of Auto Configure but should have quite some potential to speed up editing workflows because network access and number of re-evaluated tools in each editing step will be reduced.

With the continued growth of Graph Databases, it would be nice for Alteryx to creates a new tool set that would allow input/output connectors for Graph Databases like Neo4j which software tools like Pentaho and Talend already have.



Added in Alteryx Version 2020.3, the Browse tool no longer shows a profile of the complete dataset (it is capped when the record data size reached 300MB).


My proposed solution is an optional override of the record size limit on the browse tool (which will make the profiling take longer, but actually profile the entire dataset).  I would also like a general user setting to set the default behavior of the browse tool to either be limited or unlimited.


Below is the newly included documentation of the Data Profiling Limit, which I'm proposing can be overridden.



Data Profiling Limit
Data Profiling in the Browse tool is capped at 300 MB. This allows you to process very large datasets faster. For each record in the incoming dataset, we process the record and add the record size to a counter. Once the counter reaches 300 MB, we stop processing records.

It is important to note that there is no specific number of records that we can process. This depends on the dataset since a record size can range from 1 byte to a few thousand bytes. This record size is different from the file size, displayed in the Results grid and Data Profiling Holistic View. The file size is generally different since it has been compressed to optimize spacing.

In other words, 300 MB of record size is not the same as 300 MB of file size.




This new tool can cause confusion when looking at the data profile (e.g. if you expect the sum to be $3 million, but the browse tool is only showing 2% of your total records in the profile tool, the profile sum may only show $60 thousand).


The sampled version with a cutoff of 300MB is rarely useful if you are using browse tools to get a quick sense of the variable profiles on medium sized datasets (around 1 million records) since this rarely will fit into the 300MB record size limit.


An example can be shown in the image below, where the dataset contains 855,085 records, but the browse tool is profiling only the first 20,338.




Again, being able to override this 300MB record size limit would fix the problem created in the 2020.3 change to the browse tool.




Similar to previous ideas from @patrick_mcauliffe and @shailesh_patel - would like to request 2 things:


Default on Folder Picker Interface tool

The folder picker tool does not currently allow a default value - this unnecessarily adds work if users have the same value 90% of the time.

Please add a field for the default value that will show when the interface starts up


Annotation 2019-09-20 074835.png





Similar ideas:

- Default on Date interface:

- Default on File Selector:

When using the text mining tools, I have found that the behaviour of using a template only applies to documents with the same page number.


So in my use case I've got a PDF file with 100+ claim statements which are all laid out the same (one page per statement). When setting up the template I used one page to set the annotations, and then input this into the T anchor of the Image to Text tool. Into the D anchor of this tool is my PDF document with 100+ pages. However when examining the output I only get results for page 1.


On examining the JSON for the template I can see that there is reference to the template page number:



And playing around with a generate rows tool and formula to replace the page number with pages 1 - 100 in the JSON doesn't work. I then discovered that if I change the page number on the image input side then I get the desired results. 



However an improvement to the tool, as I suspect this is a common use case for the image to text tool, is to add an option in the configuration of the image to text tool to apply the same template to all pages.








Please add reply-to field for email tool.



I believe the ability for Alteryx Designer to read from/write to parquet files will enhance its capability to serve the DSML community better. Potentially someone can design this connector as part of the App community but given the importance parquet file formats have gained as a columnar storage format (as opposed to something like Avro - which is a row storage format), Alteryx supplying native connectors to such files would be awesome. 


Thank you,

Shiva Badruswamy

Principal Architect - DSML


Alteryx is not able to read generated Excel sheets which have the prefix "x:" within it's XML tags.  Often this occurs when an xlsx file is created from a bot or rpa process.  Example file attached.

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