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Currently the Databricks in-database connector allows for the following when writing to the database

  1. Append Existing
  2. Overwrite Table (Drop)
  3. Create New Table
  4. Create Temporary Table

This request is to add a 5th option that would execute

  • Create or Replace Table

Why is this important?

  • Create or Replace is similar to the Overwrite Table (Drop) in that it fully replaces the existing table however, the key differences are
    • Drop table completely removes the table and it's data from Databricks
      • Any users or processes connected to that table live will fail during the writing process
      • No history is maintained on the table, a key feature of the Databricks Delta Lake
    • Create or Replace does not remove the table
      • Any users or processes connected to that table live will not fail as the table is not dropped
      • History is maintained for table versions which is a key feature of Databricks Delta Lake


While this request was specific to testing on Azure Databricks the documentation for Azure and AWS for Databricks both recommend using "Replace" instead of "Drop" and "Create" for Delta tables in Databricks. 



Hyperion Smartview Connect

Hey YXDB Bosses,


Let's move forward with our YXDB.  Maybe give AMP a real edge over e1.  Here are some things that could may YXDB super-powered:


  • Metadata
    • Workflow information about what created that poorly named output file.
    • When was the file originally created/updated.
    • SORT order.  If there is a sort order for the data, what is it?
  • Other stuff
    • INDEX.  Currently you get spatial indexes (or you can opt out).  If I want to search through a 100+MM record file, it is a sequential read of all of the data.  With an index I could grab data without the expense of a calgary file creation.  Don't go crazy on the indexing option, just allow users to set 1+ fields as index (takes more time to write).  
    • I'm sure that you've been asked before, but CREATE DIRECTORY if the output directory doesn't exist.
  • Old School - Crazy Idea
    • Generation Data Groups (GDG)
      This will likely make @NicoleJ 's eyes roll 🙄 but back in the days, we could write our data to the SAME filename and the old data became 1 version older.  You could read the (0) version of the file or read from 1, 2, 3 or more previous versions of the data using the same name (e.g. .\Customers|||3).  The write of the output file would do all of the backing up of the data (easy to use) and when the initial defined limit expires, the data drops off.

Just a little more craziness from me



Hi UX interested parties,




Here are some ideas for you to consider:


1.  These lines are BORING and UNINFORMATIVE.  I'd like to understand (pic = 1,000 words) more when looking at a workflow.  

  • A line could communicate:
    • Qty of Records
    • Size of Data
    • Is the data SORTED
      • What sort order
    • Quality of Data 

If you look at lines A, B, C in the picture above.  Nothing is communicated.  Weight of line, color of line, type of line, beginning line marker/ending line marker, these are all potential ways that we could see a picture of the data without having to get into browse everywhere to see the information.  If we hover over the data connection, even more information could appear (e.g. # of records, size of file) without having to toggle the configuration parameters.


2.  Wouldn't it be nice to not have to RUN a workflow to know last SAVED metadata (run) of  a workflow?  I'd like to open a "saved" workflow and know what to expect when I run the workflow.  Heck, how long does it take the beast to run is something that we've never seen unless we run it.


3.  I'd like to set the metadata to display SORT keys, order.  Sort1 Asc, Sort 2 Desc ....   This sort information is very helpful for the engine and I'll likely post about that thought.  As a preview, when a JOIN tool has sorted data and one of the anchors is at EOF, then why do we need to keep reading from the other anchor?  There won't be another matched record (J) anchor.  In my example above, we don't ask for the L/R outputs, so why worry about the rest of the join?


4.  Have you ever seen a map (online) that didn't display watermark information?  I think that the canvas experience should allow for a default logo (like mine above, but transparent) in the lower right corner of the canvas that is visible at all times.  Having the workflow name at the top in a tab is nice, but having it display as a watermark is handy.


5.  Once the workflow has RUN, all anchors are the same color.  How about providing GREY/White or something else on EMPTY anchors instead of the same color?  This might help newbies find issues in JOIN configuration too.


6.  If the tool has ERRORs you put a RED exclamation mark.  I despise warnings, but how about a puke colored question mark?  With conversion errors, the lines could be marked to let you know the relative quantity of conversion errors (system messages have a limit)


Just a few top of mind things to consider ....






Alteryx really needs to show a results window for the InDB processes.  It is like we are creating blindly without it.  Work arounds are too much of a hassle.

We really need a block until done to process multiple calculations inDB without causing errors. I have heard that there is a Control Container potentially on the road map.  That needs to happen ASAP!!!!

A quite minor, pedantic issue from me today. 


Currently, the Oversample Field Tool's naming and configuration suggest that the tool can over sample data:


However, I would argue the tool under samples data instead.

Here are a few sources that explain this much better than I can:

And an image is taken from Medium:


Effectively either step is to create a similar (or same) number of records between each class. Under sampling is the process of taking samples from the majority class, and ending up with a smaller dataset than started with. Over sampling is the process of duplicating records within the minority class, and creates a larger dataset.


When using the Oversample tool within Alteryx, using the example workflow for reference:


When summarizing the input:


And the output:


It's clear that the data has actually been under sampled, in that random samples have been taken from the majority class to match the minority, rather than creating duplicate minority records. 

I would suggest a quick renaming of the tool to "Undersample Field Tool", and documentation to not cause confusion to new users of the platform.


Kind Regards,





Currently in Result window we have datacleanse, fileter and sort functionality which makes life easier.


We dont have column Rename and Data type change functionality. In order to do that we need to drag a tool for the same for Rename of column.





Result Tool should be capable enough to Rename column and Data type.


It will save a lot of time ,

Idea: Add a Connection Line Routing Tool



Connection lines get in the way. A routing tool could solve this problem simply by guiding the line through its position. The input would be the same as the output, but the direction of the input/output anchors should be configurable.

Hi Team,

Microsoft Outlook is extensively used for day to day operations. With more teams, adopting Alteryx within the firm. We wanted to explore the option of end to end automation and the outputs are directly triggered to external email domains however, due to firm restrictions we cannot send email to external/internal email domains without labelling the email. Is there way to in include email labelling/classification as part of emailing tool.

Tools should not error with Zero rows, often when working with macros it is possible to have a scenario where zero rows or columns is legitimate. Some tools are fine with this and some are not. In my case the Select Tool does not allow it so I have to create a Work around with a Text Input tool.



In Japan, the prople usually use the date format "yyyy/mm/dd". But there is no preset in Date tool. So I usually use custom setting, but it is the waste of time.


So please add yyyy/mm/dd format to the preset in Date tool configuration for Japanese people.




On the UNION tool, allow for deselecting columns that aren't relevant.  Leave the union exactly as it is, and you could go into the manual configuration. Align the columns just as you would in the manual configuration.  The addition would be that you have the behavior like you see in a join tool where you could deselect C1, C2, C3.... Cx. 


Too many times I have a union and there are fields I simply don't even want to bring in, but then have to add a select tool right after in order to remove them. 

Alteryx Server is great, but very costly.  Having the ability to install the Alteryx engine without the Designer, thus allowing you to share Workflows/Apps with users directly.  This could be licensed on a per user basis as well, but a reduced cost.

This also allows for some more advanced workflows that do not work in the Gallery.

Please add a data validator workflow.


Suggested features will be the following:

1.  Add validation name and set the field/s of your data you want to validate. (it can have more than one validation name on one workflow)

2. On the selected validation(name). Add features that will check/validate the information below:

   A. Verify data type
   B. Contains Null
   C. Max and Min string length
   D. Allowed values only, else it will give you an error
   E. Regex expected to match and not allowed to match.

3. It can have two(2) outputs. One is True(which is match) and False(which is fail over/error).

In the tools that embed the "Rename" option (Select, Append Fields, Join, Join Multiple), copying the new name will copy all the information of the field configuration : tick/untick, original field name, type, size, new name and description.


Renaming the field "Rename_Field"Renaming the field "Rename_Field"





In my opinion, it should copy only the new name. This would be useful, especially because when you change the name of a field, it isn't automatically changed in subsequent tools, so copying it to replace it in those tools is faster than retyping it every time.

Currently it's not possible to "switch off" interface tools in the same was as we can with the other tools. This limits the functionality especially within chained apps. If we could switch these tools off it would be much easier for us to tailor the experience by allowing selections to be activated by logic, rather than simply the data therein.


Please Alteryx Gods. I beseech thee!


*lights candles*

Here's a sample of what you get if no records are read into a python tool:


Error: CReW SHA256 (4): Tool #1: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Engine_10804_3513901e8d4d4ab48a13c314a18fd1f9_\2f1b1eb4701e445775092128efe77f76\", line 7, in <module>
    df ='#1')
  File "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\envs\DesignerBaseTools_venv\lib\site-packages\ayx\", line 35, in read
    return _CachedData_(debug=debug).read(incoming_connection_name, **kwargs)
  File "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\envs\DesignerBaseTools_venv\lib\site-packages\ayx\", line 306, in read
    data = db.getData()
  File "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\envs\DesignerBaseTools_venv\lib\site-packages\ayx\", line 500, in getData
    data = self.connection.read_nparrays()
RuntimeError: DataWrap2WrigleyDb::GoRecord: Attempt to seek past the end of the file


I've fixed this in my macro by forcing a DUMMY record into the python tool (deleting it on the back-end).  It would be much nicer to have error handling that prevents the issue.  Even as a configuration option, what to do with no input this would simplify things.  


This error condition potentially effects every python tool created.





Similar to the setting that you have in many individual tools  (join, append, select, et al) where you can go to options and choose to "forget missing fields" it would be nice where you could go to options for the entire flow and "forget missing fields".


This would remove the headache that you have with large flows where you make a change(s) then have to go back through each and every tool to "forget" within that tool. Yes you could still do it individually, but if you chose, you could also do it universally for the entire flow all at once to all the 'missing fields'. 

Hi all,
Something really interesting I found - and never knew about, is there are actually in-DB predictive tools. You can find these by having a connect-indb tool on the canvas and dragging on one of the many predictive tools.

For instance:
boosted model dragged on empty campus:


Boosted model tool deleted, connect in-db tool added to the canvas:


Boosted Model dragged onto the canvas the exact same:



This is awesome! I have no idea how these tools work, I have only just found out they are a thing. Are we able to unhide these? I actually thought I had fallen into an Alteryx Designer bug, however it appears to be much more of a feature.


Sadly these tools are currently not searchable for, and do not show up under the in-DB section. However, I believe these need to be more accessible and well documented for users to find.




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