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Submission GuidelinesHello,
After used the new "Image Recognition Tool" a few days, I think you could improve it :
> by adding the dimensional constraints in front of each of the pre-trained models,
> by adding a true tool to divide the training data correctly (in order to have an equivalent number of images for each of the labels)
> at least, allow the tool to use black & white images (I wanted to test it on the MNIST, but the tool tells me that it necessarily needs RGB images) ?
Question : do you in the future allow the user to choose between CPU or GPU usage ?
In any case, thank you again for this new tool, it is certainly perfectible, but very simple to use, and I sincerely think that it will allow a greater number of people to understand the many use cases made possible thanks to image recognition.
Thank you again
Kévin VANCAPPEL (France ;-))
Thank you again.
Hello all,
When using in-database, all you have in select or formula are the Alteryx field types (V_String, etc..).
However, since you're mostly writing in database, in the end, there is a conversion of Alteryx field types to real SQL field types (like varchar). But how is it done ? As of today, it's a total black box. Some documentation would be appreciated.
Best regards,
We all know and love the Comment tool. It's a staple of every workflow to give users an idea of the workflow in finer details. It's a powerful tool - it helps adds context to tools and containers, and it also serves as an image placeholder for us to style our workflows as aesthetically pleasing as possible.
Now, the gensis of this idea is inspired by this post and subsequent research question here.
The Comment Tool today allows you to:
But it would provide way more functionality if it had the capabilities of another awesome Alteryx tool that is not so frequently mentioned... the Report Text Tool!
What's missing in the Comment tool that the Report Text tool has?
Now, whilst I understand that the Report Text tool is just that, a tool that needs to be connected to the data to work, so too does the Comment tool (to a lesser extent).
It would be awesome to have the ability to connect the data to the Comment tool as it was a Control Container-like connector. It can also be just like the Report Text tool with an optional input, thereby making it like a normal Comment tool.
To visualize my point:
The benefits of doing so:
I think it'll be a killer feature enhancement to the comment tool. Hoping to hear comments on this!
Kindly like, share, and subscribe I mean comment your support. Thanks all! 😁
I want a feature to enable join by custom conditions. Currently, in Join tool, allowed condition is only equality of specific fields and specific position, however, in SQL, we can join data by much more flexible conditions like;
SELECT FROM TableA INNER JOIN TableB ON and TableA.value > TableB.value
Of course, my idea can be easily realized by using combination of Appendix Field + Filter tool, but I meant to say is that Appendix-Fields is quite expensive operation in calculation cost, and it would generate many unnecessary records, which is annoying us in case of handling a huge dataset.
I suppose this kind of flexible conditions can be specified by using expression editor, thereby configuration window of this feature would look like the below image; Adding one more radio button option, and expression editor similar to one used in Filter tool.
Any positive/negative feedback on my idea would be appreciated. Thank you for your attention!
Hi everyone,
Add two additional features to a directory tool. Something like this:
Use cases:
1. Since it is not possible to use a folder browse on the Gallery, this could help a basic user create a list of possible folders to select from with the help of a drop-down
2. Directory analysis for cleaning purposes - currently, if you want to get a list of the folders with Alteryx, it takes forever for big file servers since Alteryx is mapping all the files
Both are achievable today through regex or a bat script.
Thank you,
Fernando Vizcaino
Currently the only way to do IF / FOR / WHILE loop is either in Formula tool or via iterative/batch macro.
Instead, it will be hugely useful and a lot more intuitive if there is the ability to build the FOR / WHILE logic embedded in a container (similar to LabVIEW interface
Advantages include:
- Increased readability. (not having to go into a macro!)
- Increased agility. (more power/ features can be added or modified on the go for something that is more than a Formula tool but not too much interface like a Macro App)
- More intuitive
In a similar vein to the forthcoming enhancement of being able to disable a specific output tool, my idea is to have the inverse where you can globally disable all outputs and then enable specific ones only. This should help reduce the number of clicks required/avoid workarounds using containers to obtain this functionality and allow users to be very specific in which outputs run and don't run as required.
Here's a sample of what you get if no records are read into a python tool:
Error: CReW SHA256 (4): Tool #1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Engine_10804_3513901e8d4d4ab48a13c314a18fd1f9_\2f1b1eb4701e445775092128efe77f76\", line 7, in <module>
df ='#1')
File "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\envs\DesignerBaseTools_venv\lib\site-packages\ayx\", line 35, in read
return _CachedData_(debug=debug).read(incoming_connection_name, **kwargs)
File "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\envs\DesignerBaseTools_venv\lib\site-packages\ayx\", line 306, in read
data = db.getData()
File "C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Miniconda3\envs\DesignerBaseTools_venv\lib\site-packages\ayx\", line 500, in getData
data = self.connection.read_nparrays()
RuntimeError: DataWrap2WrigleyDb::GoRecord: Attempt to seek past the end of the file
I've fixed this in my macro by forcing a DUMMY record into the python tool (deleting it on the back-end). It would be much nicer to have error handling that prevents the issue. Even as a configuration option, what to do with no input this would simplify things.
This error condition potentially effects every python tool created.
As many of you know, i'm a big fan of Alteryx Apps. However, one of the most painful parts of Alteryx Apps is moving around elements in the Interface Designer. Currently when you have many elements in your interface designer:
And add a new element from the dropdown, or through a new tool:
It is added to the bottom of the interface. Moving it to the top is currently done with the arrows, however this is very slow, especially when you have many interface elements:
Currently (with 9 radio buttons) it takes 18 clicks (each taking a couple of seconds due to delay between movements) to move it, because it moves between each step:
It would be fantastic if we could drag and drop the elements of the interface to where we like, for speed of development and ease of use.
Visio is our organization's most common method of communicating business processes and workflows. Being able to export an Alteryx workflow to Visio would help us communicate the tool's functionality to process owners.
The default (option 7 below) often causes problems with imports and is difficult for new users to find and I see no reason for the option to be so low. Can it be set higher to aid parsing of larger text fields e.g. parsing HTML files as text.
In Datascience, Levenshtein and Jaro Winkler distances are used to quanitify a similarity between two strings.
Here the wikipedia pages
Note 1 : the Levenshtein and Jaro Distances are already used in Fuzzy Matching tool, so that shouldn't be a huge work to include it in formula
Note 2 : there is a useful macro on the galley!app/LevenshteinDistance/5c54701f826fd30988f02779
Note 3 : some product already have it implemented such as Apache Hive or Qlik Sense
Best regards,
I use the field name auto-complete feature whenever I can. One issue with it, however, is when there are parentheses in a field name. After auto-completing the field name, Alteryx highlights a portion of the field name after the first parenthesis. This is not ideal as I typically expect the cursor to be at the end of the field name so I may continue to type. In this scenario, unfortunately, I would begin to type over my field name and the expression gets messed up.
For example, as shown below, I begin to type "st" and then hit the tab button to complete the field name in my expression.
In this case, because my field name has parentheses in it, however, some of the field name remains highlighted and the cursor does not go to the end of the right bracket, as one would expect.
If I were to continue typing at this point, the highlighted portion of the expression would get erased and replaced.
Field names that do not contain parentheses continue to function correctly as shown below.
Similar to the thoughts in this idea, it would be great if the parenthesis matching functionality could be added to the formula tool as well.
Instead of adding a tool container to the canvas, then moving my input tool into that - it would be nice if I could just click a box for 'Disable' in the input tool properties. This would speed up things if I'm trying to test inputs one at a time; or need to disable just one specific output while I test another data stream in my workflow.
It would be great to have the below functionality in Alteryx.
A workflow is built in Alteryx and button click in Alteryx can be used to generate SQL code that can be ran on a specific database platform, such as SQL Server to run external editors such as SQL Server Management Studio. Thanks.
Experts -
During development it would be helpful to be able to do the following in both Formula and Filter tools (and perhaps any other tool that uses custom code):
1) Highlight a line or block of code
2) Right click
3) Comment/Uncomment
Easier than manually typing or deleting "//" at every line.
Thanks in advance!
Our company is implementing an Azure Data Lake and we have no way of connecting to it efficiently with Alteryx. We would like to push data into the Azure Data Lake store and also pull it out with the connector. Currently, there is not an out-of-the-box solution in Alteryx and it requires a lot of effort to push data to Azure.
Alteryx 2019.4 introduced support for Tableau's .hyper extract format, however it only supports single table extracts. .hyper files have supported multiple tables since mid-2018, so I'd like Alteryx to support that as well.
Here are a couple of current use cases (as of February 2020) and one future one.
- We have malaria incidence data that is joined to multiple sets of spatial data. Doing all of the joins in the extract creation process to build a single table extract is not possible due to processing time & memory constraints, so we use a multiple-table extract.
- There are multiple ways to do row level security in Tableau. A common way is to have separate tables for the data & the entitlements and then use calculations at run-time to filter the data, and for that having a multiple table extract is ideal.
- In 2020 Tableau will be introducing new data modeling capabilities (this was first demoed at the 2018 Tableau Conference, there were sessions on it at the 2019 Tableau Conference) where one goal is vastly improved performance for large fact table to fact table joins where previously we'd have to do much more data preparation. This is another case where multiple table extracts would be useful.
I've attached a sample Hyper file with two tables in the extract (it's zipped because the Community site doesn't accept .hyper files).
Supporting alternative schema and table names in Hyper extracts is a prerequisite for this because by definition multiple table extracts have multiple table names.
A related idea is supporting multiple table extracts for the Output tool:
Alteryx 2019.4 added support in the Input tool for Tableau .hyper extract files. The tables stored in the .hyper files have a schema and a table name. Tableau's old .tde files and Hyper files created by Alteryx & Tableau Desktop use "Extract.Extract" as the schema.tablename. However when using Tableau's Hyper API the default schema is "public" and the table name is arbitrarily specified by the user or application.
This has two impacts:
1) Without this support Alteryx can't open many .hyper files created by other applications. By way of example I've attached a sample .hyper file (in a .zip because the community software doesn't allow .hyper files) that has the schema.tablename "public.table1".
2) Also support for names beyond Extract.Extract is required in order to support multiple table extracts (submitted as a separate Idea).
Please update the Input tool so the user can select the particular schema and table name from the .hyper file.
Similar to previous ideas from @patrick_mcauliffe and @shailesh_patel - would like to request 2 things:
Default on Folder Picker Interface tool
The folder picker tool does not currently allow a default value - this unnecessarily adds work if users have the same value 90% of the time.
Please add a field for the default value that will show when the interface starts up
Similar ideas:
- Default on Date interface:
- Default on File Selector: